General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease explain how this is possible

Please explain how this is possible in General Discussion
Sister Fister

    Is it just me or is Slark one bugged hero..?


      I don't see the problem with the video?

      Or are you talking about how Dark Pact dispels stuns and shit.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        nothing wrong, he leap right as pudge ulted I stil think he gets damage. Also he dark pacts most buffs.


          not bugged, just strong

          Sister Fister

            Would it have something to do with the fact that the guy played the hero over 4 thousand times?


              ^no, just a strong hero


                That's a very low win rate for a hero you have played 4000 times :/

                ICE SKULL

                  whats ur rating for playing slark so much

                  casual gamer

                    gz on picking slark bud, you're very special

                    Sister Fister

                      No, seriously, just look at the buff icons.. the ultimate passive shouldn't show at all when in enemy vision..

                      casual gamer

                        I think there's a small delay before the regen goes away. You'd know better than me though


                          pls dont copy me name

                          Sister Fister

                            @Havoc Badger: Sometimes this happens

                            Playing a hero over 4 thousand times doesn't automatically turn your team mates into experts, and I share my awesomeness with everyone, not just with a particular set of well known and experienced friends, so I am prone to losing most of the time because of bad communication with others.


                              That video was painful to watch.


                                Pajkatt please y u do dis


                                  slark picker since dota 1


                                    Slark is not awesome. Awesome is like Chen, Wisp, Dark Seer, and all sorts of cool heroes.

                                    I would call you nuts with 4k games and only 51% winrate with slark. You should at least have somewhere in the 70%'s if you play that much and you say how awesome he his

                                    btw, DOOOOOOM, and Meepo. BAM counter picked.

                                    My dawg

                                      LEL GUY ABOVE ME MADFAG

                                      Flat is Justice!

                                        A SLARK? THATS A TASTY MEAL IMO


                                          Here comes the slark brigade to try to rape and pillage all of us players

                                          I bought the dust, and I'm playing phoenix. Bring it on.

                                          Sister Fister

                                            "btw, DOOOOOOM, and Meepo. BAM counter picked." If you think those are counter picks for Slark, you need to learn more about the game. If there's a hero that can cause discomfort to Slark, that's an offensive Void, and Bloodseeker is a nuisance to some degree too.


                                              Win a game with a void and bloodseeker on the other team where you stop. I'd be happy to watch that shit. They have to be offensive too.

                                              I watched some of your games and I saw some hesitation for kills and lack of power tread switching.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                              Pure & Miracle + Zai

                                                my io strongest in eu can we play together?