General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I win games

How do I win games in General Discussion

    Need help. I watch a lot of pro games. I try and last pick to fill my team's roles. I don't rage. I search up guides on things like dewarding and pulling and skill builds.

    Is it luck or am I just that bad at this game?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      You have the necessary knowledge already, its more of applying them (balancing different objectives; not over farming or over ganking) and improving mechanical skills. The latter is extremely important to raise mmr.


        by destroying enemy throne


          play invoker


            What do you mean by "not over farming or ganking"?


              get good


                Sometimes people have the correct idea in mind but in reality it can be hard to apply it in games.

                Look at most pub Tinkers. Most of them tend to overfarm and many times missing opportunities to defend towers because they came too late. Some people play Puck and the moment you see them get blink, they gank non stop. 20 minutes later they have the same items. Sometimes supports become too enthusiastic about pulling and lose track of their carry causing their death. Its easy to 'lose' yourself in your task.

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