General Discussion

General DiscussionJust watched one of my replays...

Just watched one of my replays... in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    This one, more exactly

    And god! I freaking suck! But for some stupid reason when i am playing i can't see most of my crucial mistakes. It's like i have a pair of horse goggles, otherwise known as tunnel vision. It's like i am so concentrated on one kill from a teamfight that i don't focus the carry or the high impact hero.

    Some of my mistakes that i've noted:
    - i take way too much time to buy my starting items
    - sometimes i miss the creep block
    - if i am playing mid i forget to harras(even though i do it when i am supporting)
    - if i am thirsty for a kill i'll go as far as going through the river to gank(without any vision!)
    - if i am playing mid i don't buy wards for myself(huge mistake esp. against a pudge)
    - in teamfights i lose my calm, focus on the wrong heroes(support instead of the carry, or offlaner), by losing my calmness i also overextend or worse don't even know when to back off and die not because i wasted my spells but because i didnt prioritize shutting down the most threatening target.( huge huge huge mistake and i don't even know how to fix this one)
    - tunnel vision; if i am ganked when i am concentrated on one thing(like destroying a tower) even though i have wards it's like i don't see the threat... like i am blind.

    So at least can some of you provide me with some advice regarding (at least) the teamfight prioritizing and the tunnel vision?(these seem the worst by far)

    Now i get it when higher ranked people say that you should focus on your mistakes. Mainly because when you are playing(if you're not that skilled) you can't see them.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      against pudge unless the guy is dendi you don't really need wards to avoid hooks, just stay behind your creeps, just get close to last hit, it gets even easier if its a ranged hero.. and put a lot of pressure in the fat boy, he cant really escape or fight back. usually i put so much pressure he goes to sidelanes trying to gank, but he is underleveled and cant do a shit


        thx for the info

        Hex Sigma

          Bump to heaven