General Discussion

General DiscussionNow that Techies has been confirmed

Now that Techies has been confirmed in General Discussion

    Best safe lane baby sitter? Just keep running at the enemy off laner and they will be scared shitless of suicide even if you haven't skilled it.

    Oh man the nostalgia of just running at the enemy with no intent of suiciding

    თემა შეიცვალა

      We come in peaceeeee


        Minesweeper 3D


          when i see a techies..I'm gonna nicely ask my supports to buy sentries..ASAP..and a gem when he hits 6. techies can be pretty fuckin op. I remember the suicide tactics back in WC III days, where I or techies would suicide then the carrys would swoop in and finish 2 or more heroes up.

          AP is gonna be impossible with techies..

          Girl with beautiful face

            Dager and you are ready to go


              fear the mid techies!


                I used to run him with my old team back in d1.
                even in tournament games, where we would do techies mid with seer offlane and void as farmer. incredibly strong hero.

                .  .

                  Techies is shit with the new 3 min cd suicide. Icefrog nerfed techies because "many techies players asked for that". Such fucking dumbfucks. Got 3x cd for suicide for that exp after that. And you know the worst part? You suicide because your carry gets full xp and now he has to share it because some tarded techies gets it. This was a nerf on so many parts... Also the aghs range nerf.... Techies is shit nowadays. Back then I had a fair share of techies games literally carrying with hex orchid euls force aghs and travels.

                  Flat is Justice!

                    HE FUCKING ROAMS LIKE A BOSS


                      Best feeder ever

                      more advanced than the average pudge/sniper picker
                      unless you are in 2k

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Sugar Show

                        blinkdagger+orchid for gg.


                          Pubs. Ranked. Competetive. Inhouses. My grandmother used to tell me the stories about the old days, a time of peace when Vovlo kept balance between the Pub Tribes, Ranked Kingdom, Competetive Nation, and Inhouse Nomads. But that all changed when the Techies attacked. Only Zenoth mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless Techies. But when the world needed him the most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Techies are taking over the Pub Tribes. Two years ago, my father and the 4k's of my tribe journeyed to the Ranked Kingdom to help fight against the Techie Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. Some people believe that Zenoth was never born into the Air Nombads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, Zenoth will return to save the world