General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich of these lose you more games?

Which of these lose you more games? in General Discussion

    Saw this on another forum. Which of these players would make you lose more?

    Fucked up support:
    1. Steals carry's farm.
    2. Pushes wave out with spells.
    3. Doesn't buy cour or wards.
    4. Feeds like mad going 1-13-4 at the 25th minute mark.
    5. Sabotages teammates with force staff.
    6. Only kill was due to KS.

    Uncarryable Carry:
    1. Can't farm even with perfect supports zoning the offlaner, going 25 cs at 10 mins.
    2. Buys horrible item choices like MoM and Forcestaff on Luna.
    3. Flames team the whole time creating havoc.
    4. AFK farms the whole game retardedly slow while feeding in the process.
    5. Only kills are due to KS.

    Motherfucking Doom Jungler:
    1. Dies to neutral creeps.
    2. Dies to enemy gank in the same spot thrice.
    3. Gets a raw Midas at 15 mins.
    4. Doesn't gank at all.
    5. Steals runes for himself.
    6. Only kills are due to the occasional KS.
    7. Score is like 2-9-0 at 25 minutes.

    Shitass PudgeInvoker Mid:
    1. 0 ganks for 20 minutes straight.
    2. Gives up all runes to enemy mid.
    3. Misses easy kills even with supports smoke rotating for ganks.
    4. Loses in CS hard whilst heavy feeding mid 0-4 at 10 minutes.
    5. After losing his lane hard, teleports to sidelanes to steal farm/push out.

    Fuckingfuckfuckfuck Offlaner:
    1. Feeds firstblood and an additional two kills in 5 minutes with hard to kill heroes like Dark Seer.
    2. AFK after feeding 0-6-0 at the 9 minute mark.
    3. His dumbass play just gave that enemy carry a 3 minute Midas. At 9 minutes, the enemy Luna has BKB+Treads+Midas+RoA.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      So, is this a question about role preference?


        Which of these players would cost you more games?


          mom forcestaff luna seems like a legit build

          i dont think carrys are able to "ks" because u want ur carry to get kills

          the 0-6-0 9 min afk guy would be hardest because hes afk and u would have to play 5v4

          and darkseer 0-2 offlane at 5 min isnt terrible vs a trilane with disables LOL

          Bone Chilling

            I'd add a whole tri-lane failing to farm or feeding a solo/duo hard lane... this hurts the most.


              so many basic mistakes

              mom isnt even a bad item on luna

              how is ksing a bad thing? maybe in trench tiers, but at that level you have so many other issues that ksing isnt one of them

              jungler dying to neutral creeps is something calculated

              expecting mid to gank? maybe if pudge or a few specific heroes... but most of the time you're supposed to gank mid not the other way round

              Games are lost to bad plays, and bad plays are caused by all sorts of factors - players on unfamiliar roles, unfamiliar heroes etc.

              As a player you obviously only notice mistakes rather than neutral/good plays, especially in areas where you think you can do better - otherwise you wouldn't even notice those mistakes. This leads to the common misconception that everyone on your team is worse player than you.

              Carry: wtf my support doesn't know how to double pull, keeps pulling when opponent offlaner can contest my farm under tower, noob mid no gank, fucking offlaner feeding

              Support: gg wtf my carry die to enemy offlaner under tower, noob carry cant farm gg

              Mid: wtf safe lane feed, offlane feed, i'm winning mid and force opponent out of lane, call missing but teammates are dumb cunts and farm greedily only to die to rotation

              Offlane: wtf safe lane lose, mid lane no gank, gg no re

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                What causes most of my losses? My poor knowledge of the game, to be honest. Also, add the guy, who rages after dying 2 times in 5 minutes, to your list. Those are annoying too.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  My vote goes to a Raging faggot or a Clueless captain.


                    This is just a what if scenario because I don't think players can be this bad. You'd have to intentionally throw. Not so much a ranting/complain thread. Like more would it be easier to carry your team if it was offlaner doing that bad or the support being this bad thread.

                    KSing isn't a bad thing, especially since it increases the amount of gold distributed. However "only KSing" implies a lack of commitment to fights/ganks. Besides, KSing and last hitting is very different. Like the support Lion tping over to Finger the enemy Batrider at 50 hp is different from the Lion who initated the fight but threw out that Finger anyway despite it being a confirmed kill.

                    Clearly the Jungler here dying to neutrals was not calculated. Hence, bad.

                    Regarding mid ganking, if you're dominating the lane and your lanes are doing fine, then all you need to do is countergank/take towers. However, it is also the job of mid to control momentum. I.e. if you can't do anything in your lane, you should be trying to make a comeback by snowballing ganks. Or if your lanes are suffering, you should gank to help them. It is also part of your duty (along with supports) to maintain rune control.

                    HotD is usually better than MoM on Luna and MoM is situational item at best. Plus its crap on her most of the time unless a BKB accompanies it. Unless you outskill your opponent.

                    And once more, this isn't so much a complaint thread as it is a "fun" thread.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      i thought you were studying >:(


                        I AM.


                          None of these.

                          Most games do not get lost by dorky plays, they get lost by dorky picks.

                          2. Hardcarry

                          2. Offlaner

                          2. Midlaner

                          Instead of a 2. support.


                          A carryjungler, wich makes your team -1 for at least 15 min.


                            1. 0 ganks for 20 minutes straight."

                            The moron who believes that mid is required to gank other lanes and believes he's way better than he actually is, is going to cost me the most games.

                            God forbid they think they're reenacting Juice's experiment and insta-lock a mid hero and lose the mid lane despite deluding themselves into thinking they're 1k MMR above the other player.


                              idk i just flame everyone cuz everyone's awful lol (including me)

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                it's ridiculous how lopsided -ap games are

                                other team has their smoke ganking mids/rotations and my retard supports are still sitting in lane

                                then i queue a captains draft game, and same shit happens to me (retard supports sitting in my lane doing nothing) BUT the other team has those same retards. their supports sat in lane and did nothing too. actually that's not true, they did rotate to my lane once but incompetently so i ended up escaping with full hp rofl

                                now THAT'S what i call a fair match - you get retards on both teams, unlike in -ap where there are anywhere from 3-8 retards and you sometimes have to pray you have a fewer number on ur team

                                like i had this chat with wave earlier and he talked about how some 5k+ players abused cm/cd mode which i think isn't as dishonorable as he made it out to be, cuz otherwise it's putting up with the poker hands dealt to you in ranked solo -ap (waiting to counterpick is skillless since it requires you to click a proper icon at the start of the game after the timer hits 2 seconds or whenever) and sometimes you're not even going to have a double which is equivalent of having 4 neanderthals

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  as for the comment on mid, conventional players usually get lots of farm from mid by outcsing their opponents and then stacking the neutral camps which you can clear easily with heroes like storm/sf

                                  however some players prefer a more gank-oriented mid playstyle, which is more risky in solo q pubs cuz you never know if ur teammates are going to make good use of all that space you provide for them (my experience with that is negative). i have a friend who's rated 5.0-5.3k and he likes playing qop a lot. usually he has 50 cs by something like 12 min (which is 2 min later than he should have 50 cs by, as i'm lower rated and i still manage to hit 50 by 10 usually) but he still helps out the other lanes and gets lots of kills/assists.

                                  learn to adapt according to the game's pace

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Anyone who is a pinoy causes me to lose more games.


                                    I checked his Dota profile during loading and his top 3 are solo mid heroes
                                    I wanted to dodge the game but he's the last person to load just as I finished checking his profile.

                                    During hero picking screen, he pick Invoker (not yet selected it but clicked on it, waiting to see enemies pick)
                                    And I told him not to pick it because he'll feed for sure, and he told me to Trust him, and called himself "Im not bad"

                                    He lost mid to a Tiny (double kill) and went for 1 1 1 1 build
                                    Sure enough my prediction with him feeding is correct and we all reported him

                                    Pinoys are just plain bad, I'm not being racist, it's a true fact.


                                      The moron who picks stuff he sucks at

                                      Or the retard who buys vanguard




                                          why not all ?

                                          i mostly lose cuz of terrible mid players

                                          offlaners who has no impact to the game

                                          ppls who pick bloodseekers and do not contribute to the games

                                          and voids that can't use use their ulti on invisible enemies

                                          GG | dudutsai

                                            The jungler and carry sound pretty standard lol

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I'll take option other: Bad picks

                                              You can usually predict which team will win in pub AP based on picks alone with like 75% accuracy. For example the opposing team last night picked BH, riki, sand king and mirana with brew as last guy. Besides having one support, who actually needs to farm some items, their entire team is countered by one sentry ward. We won pretty easily.

                                              But from those you listed if mid gets rolled you almost always lose. The only time mid can lose hard is if the other guy is a non factor late like a zeus or skywrath or pugna and you can take the game late cus let's face it, any hard carry who farms well will roflstomp a zeus even if zeus starts 6-0.



                                                you're just a racist piece of shit, at your rating you yourself are probably as horrible as that pinoy you're complaining about

                                                i meet good pinoys, bad pinoys, and they don't tend to be anymore obnoxious then your average sea player


                                                  "any hard carry who farms well will roflstomp a zeus even if zeus starts 6-0"
                                                  Most hard carries will find it hard to farm well when they are eating ~500 magic damage every 6 seconds. You underestimate his ability to burst people down quickly from a safe distance.


                                                    I'd say most of my losses have 2 great flaws:

                                                    1.) Inappropriate jungling. That's when they have early pressure and we just don't have the team for it. We lose by 20 minutes in a nightmarish game of ganks.
                                                    2.) Inability to pull it together after a losing early game. Every few games, it's just known that you'll start from behind. There are a lot of worthy things to mention about this... for one, stop blaming everyone who died and whatnot. Sometimes people just have a bad game. He didn't die on purpose, people die/get behind even in pro matches, stop expecting something beyond that in a fucking pub game. The next thing is the need for active defensive wards and smoke ganks/punishment of the 1-2 aggressive guys controlling your entire farm lane/jungle. Often times people just spread apart or sit at towers mindlessly like bots in situations like that. The only way to gain control of a game where they are super ahead and arrogantly spread apart, farming every corner of the map, is to 5 man gank or 4 man gank those 1-2 arrogant morons in your jungle. The most painful part is when your team doesn't do it - they mute you for suggesting it as the obvious course of action - and you see the enemy basically get away with overextending.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Most zeus' won't actively seek out the free farming/afk farming carry. My point is zeus drops off a lot, say you have a luna afk farming, once she has manta + bkb she will destroy zeus' team if zeus is the only one doing well. Anyway, feeding zeus kills mid is a lot more preferred over feeding say invoker or viper imo.


                                                        I believe that if there is someone like that on my team, probably there is someone as bad on the other side, the question is that they are with the "winning make up". In other words, other players are carrying them, which makes their flaws less notable or make their flaws have less impact in the overall game.

                                                        Which means that if i'm not able to provide that "make up" for my team, it's not their fault. But what really loses you game is the picks. But i assume the enemy team often has retarded picks and you abuse it, then in the long run it doesn't matter.


                                                          trilanes feeding 3v2 or 3v1 make me rage really hard, but a lot of mentally challenged people play this game so it doesn't surprise me

                                                          retarded picks probably lose the most, then supports who just jungle all game and let the offlane do whatever he wants, then people buying aghs first on support and not even buying wards or a mek

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                            not from the start but mid game whether if theres uncontested freefarm in the neighboring lane or goes to slow farm the jungle when a tower can be killed or at all. Jungling is only good if your team is farming the whole map and you aren't trying to be aggressive.

                                                            jungle is ONLY profitable if it is stacked or you can clear all 5 camps in 1 spawn. otherwise, lane creeps are ALWAYS more profitable and you protect your tower and you put pressure on their tower and you have map control from creep sight

                                                            if you jungle because you are scared of being ganked and nothing is happening with your teammates, you already lost.


                                                              I didn't play a particularly great Warlock last game (and got counter-picked immediately). I was out of position a few times and fed some early. I was also dirt poor until I got some golem kills to buy a late Mek.

                                                              Unfortunately, we already had a bit of carry/mid problems. CK never bought a shield for laning and rushed a HoIW before even finishing PTs. Also, our mid kept losing runes to Mirana who ganked us constantly in the safe lane. We got so passive at one point that they had us completely surrounded in the safe lane near T1 and no one was farming or getting meaningful XP.

                                                              It was such a horrible game that was compounded by Slark's constant flaming even though he made some dumb ass decisions when we had full ward vision.


                                                                I've lost like 10 games the last 2 weeks because of:
                                                                -Abandon after feed fb
                                                                -Feeding enemy on purpose from minute 1 - Boosting
                                                                -1 guy get flamed thus goes feed on purpose

                                                                @Buys horrible item choices like MoM and Forcestaff on Luna.

                                                                I have 100% winrate with MoM Luna, just saying. Obviously I don't go MoM if enemy have lots of nuke and shits.

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                  You lose when all of this happens in one matchs, and i just happend to me:


                                                                    invisibility = god mode in dota

                                                                    Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                      after he was fed my team just went full retard mode, Earthspirit rolled himself on top off the hill, and when i tried to farm the hard camp under it, he would just pull me onto the hill with his skills (later my whole team except me was stuck there)


                                                                        people who make threads on dotabuff lole

                                                                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                          I'm just loving the vanguard naix. Almost as bad as armlet spectre (yes, I saw that in a real game once)

                                                                          GG | dudutsai

                                                                            Armlet spectre sounds legit

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!