General Discussion

General DiscussionWe have: Friends - This Month, why don't we have Friends - All Time?

We have: Friends - This Month, why don't we have Friends - All Time? in General Discussion

    That's it...


      Because friends are temporary, Dota is forever.


        Its like you're always stuck in second gear...


          my irl friends are at 1.8k mmr..


            Dota players having friends is an urban myth


              Fuck dota man 2 loss in a row cus I played like noob.

              kanye went to uni

                I don't have many rl friends that play Dota; most of them don't know that I play at all :p


                  You can see "friends - all time" with DBPlus.


                    because i made a vow to feed whenever i see a sniper

                    2 people deleted me today


                      Not true friends, people you played with more than once...

                      bum farto

                        The list would be endless lets take just this little segment of players who responded and see how many I played with.

                        Arka : 7-2
                        Bogi : 4-5
                        Sate : 1-0

                        I have had the game since it was invite only about 2 1/2 years you know how many people that would be? They do have some people listed who you have played with in a party. So if you were in a party when you queued they will show up there otherwise you will have to check profiles and each one will have a "played with me" section.

                        Jay Ashborne

                          Satie deleted me forever ago QQ.


                            For whatever reason friend stats not always correlate. e.g. On my profile it says I've played with Avatar 36 games, on is profile it says No Friends.


                              i wish i had friends

                              bum farto

                                I can see in total he has played 78 games with you at a 52% win rate. The thing with friends stats is that each profile updates and different times (not the games but stats) which means that profile to profile may be a bit off but in his case it seems a bit weird so unsure of what went on there.


                                  People come and go. During your time (IRL or in Dota) you meet a lot of people. Those who are meant to be, stay with you.


                                    hahahahaha :D


                                      hahahahaha :D