General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless Void?

Faceless Void? in General Discussion

    Thoughts on the hero? At what MMR does he start to drop off? and how's my void games, ive recently been playing him a lot

    also is my item build/skill build for recent games correct? what else should i get and is aghs or refresher a good idea


      looks like you go PT>MOM>DAEDALUS which is trashtier build.

      midas>pt>mjollnir>aghs/bkb>mkb/daedalus/whateeryouneed>tango is usually the way to go.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        no i dont
        i go pm shield/midas/pt/mom/daed/butterfly/ and by then the game should be over


          wait why mjollnir and not butterfly


            in lower lvl pubs just go for PT, MoM, Mjollnir, daedalus and you should be fine


              usually i go for AC also as it gives more AS, tankiness and a -low armor aura


                Mjollnir because the bash proccs in chronosphere do so much damage and you'll therefore benefit a lot from the IAS. The AoE will also help you farm. I sometimes build a battlefury if I'm playing against another battlefury carry to keep up in farm.


                  midas(if u can) pt-mom-mjollnir-crit/bkb-won


                    He is one of the stronger carries. He can fuck anyone in chrono. You can build pure dps or go some defensive items depending on enemy lineup.


                      trashcan hero

                      prettysure he has like 30% winrate in 5K+ games


                        Isn't this "It has to be this way" guy that only plays Void first page having a great deal of success? I keep seeing him win.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        casual gamer

                          dat refresher


                            If you go MoM build youll have no problem getting your MMR up to 4k


                              ^ ROFL , Mom build is good even for 6k mmr and not just 4k. Just in higher games Void usually need also bkb ,after mom,mjolnir/dedalus

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              mr dee

                                shield -> pt -> mom (rapes everything on the map) -> aghs (rapes harder and sooner) -> bkb/mjolnir/etc -> refresher for the lulz


                                  Yeah, he's 24 in eu leaderbords with 6300 mmr so fuck all MoM haters and "void trash tier hero" sayers.
                                  Not sure if 10 sec AOE disable is funny.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    people who go aghanim first void just make me facepalm


                                      Poor burning making you facepalm... oh wait he won starladder with that build

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Pubs =/ Starladder
                                        aghanims first is a joke. you gotta deal some damage inside that chrono unless you have a jakiro or something in your team


                                          There is no real point in picking void if teammates haven't already got some damage to put in chrono.

                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა


                                              EZ game EZ rarez


                                                mom mjolnir mkb, ggwp


                                                  well in fact other build are trash
                                                  INB4 FLAME

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    you should definitely get maelstrom on void, because it's both an early damage item, and a farming item.

                                                    so with mom + maelstrom you have good early/mid solo kill potential, as well as the ability to farm for the late game by going mjollnir next.

                                                    also mom + mael = 1900 + 2700 = 4600 which is comparable to bfury's 4350 cost, but it's much easier to build up, and gives more relevant stats on void (attack speed) while also accomplishing the same thing as BF (aoe damage in chronosphere and for farming).

                                                    so if you don't know how to itemise void (and you don't since you're asking for help), and a guide is suggesting you to get bfury, don't, since mom + maelstrom is safer and more reliable.


                                                    also in this game why did you keep poor man's over treads? i dont care if you have travels, treads still give 30 attack speed and the tread switching can give you a few extra spell casts. the movement speed is just a bonus, without the movement speed the stats that treads give are still worth it's cost.

                                                    travels are supposed to replace your tp scroll, not your upgraded boots. your 6th item replaces your treads.
                                                    normally my inventory goes like this, especially as I split push often:
                                                    1. tp scroll + 4 other items + treads
                                                    2. travels + 4 other items + treads
                                                    3. travels + 5 other items, and I only sell treads when I have the money for the sixth item, because there's no point having an empty slot when it could be 38 more attack speed.

                                                    don't discredit travels as only a 6th slot item, the global teleport allows you to move more efficiently around the map, which increases your GPM. that added with the fact that you don't have to buy tps anymore makes it a late game farming item in a way, and also allows you to create pressure on the map to create space until you can farm your 6th item.

                                                    if you're debating between treads or midas late game, treads are better stat wise. keep the midas in your stash and bring it to you on the courier, since transmute is still useful, but it's attack speed is inferior to your other items.

                                                    pre level 11, 4 points into backtrack near as makes no difference compared to 1 point since you barely have 1000 HP, so get time walk so that you have a longer initiation / escape range, an extra 600 units of travel is basically a force staff, and that makes a diference at levels 8-11.

                                                    so either 4-1-4-2 by 11, or 3-2-4-2, since backtrack's relative increase from 10 to 15% is a 50% increase in survivability on average, which might be more useful than 200 extra time walk range.

                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      Why do people hate on Mom, great farming item.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Void doesn't ever drop off, he's maybe the strongest carry in the game. As long as you farm well he is good at all levels.


                                                          Why are people hating so much on my mom, my mother did nothing to you guys


                                                            I can see why some people would hate your (brood)mother though :)


                                                              Well played!


                                                                Watch out for Lich counterpicks. Other than that, hero feels very strong. For a hero that doesn't do much in lane, he has good starting damage, so that makes it hard to contest his farm simply through denies, making him good in lower tier games as well as high


                                                                  void's a great hero at any mmr

                                                                  main 2 weak points: heroes he can't kill in 1 chronosphere (wraith king/doom/etc.) as well as good split push heroes who will rarely fight him 1v1 anyways and also can't kill in 1 chronosphere without some help from allies (naga siren/morphling/terrorblade)

                                                                  shits on heroes like luna/pa/drow/sf/etc.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!