General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with Visage

Help with Visage in General Discussion

    So for my 10 hero challenge I need to do Visage. As you can see from my games, I'm yet to win a game as him, despite how powerful he can be in good hands, so I am asking for help on what I can do better with him

    In terms of micro I'm quite bad, so I bind hero to F1 and both familiars to control group 2, which seems to be enough and allows me to tab between the familiars to use both stuns.

    In terms of skill build I usually go Q-E-W-W-W-R and then max W, then E, then Q. Should I change this? I've only played one match with him since the CD nerf to Q was implemented.

    With items, I usually get Tranquils + Basilius + Mek, I know some people say don't get mek, but generally I'll be the most suitable mek carrier on the team, and I guess it helps for survivability with the armour. If I ever get far enough at this time I'll build aghs.

    When I lane with him it's always in a 2v2 scenario, and in the 2K bracket the 2-1-2 lineup is followed almost religiously. Should I try to convince my teammates to go into and aggro trilane on the safe lane, and have a solo offlane like centaur/axe/clock/DS, knowing that they'll most likely be at a disadvantage? (I thought this was expected of offlaners anyway but people here still expect themselves to be able to farm the offlane)

    Any and all advice/tips are welcome

    King of Low Prio

      it starts getting good about the 4min mark


        Cheers Sampson, can't believe I missed that video

        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!