General Discussion

General Discussion[100GAMES - SAME HERO] DangDang

[100GAMES - SAME HERO] DangDang in General Discussion

    I've already written a thread about this, but to make it cleaner I've decided to make a new one.

    Basically this is just for fun (for me its cause of frustration, and I just want to see how I can learn a hero considering I never pick one hero frequently expect Mirana, thus this hero can't be "suggested".)

    So, if I manage to play 100 games in a row one hero (instalock) I'll challenge another guy and I decide what hero he's supposed to play 100 games in a row. Then he decides one, etc. ->

    I'm challenging Melody, but since I've not completed this myself I'll wait to figure out what hero I challenge him to play 100 games in a row.
    Obviously this is no challenge for Smaug and those guys who plays 1 hero 1000times in a row, so ignore them. THEYRE ON ANOTHER LEVEL.

    Let the fun begin, what hero should I play? Since none is challenging me that'll end up to you. I'd go for Abaddon, Disruptor or Storm Spirit if I could chose myself.



      Choose a hero that can play many different roles (Pirate's SK)

      Example : Windranger - mid, support, offlane


        Earthspirit, cuz.... Imba


          windranger mirana leshrac invoker are pretty versatile.




              Carry Earthshaker


                Alright, it's all set in stone. I'll play 100 games of Wraith King in a row now boys. Wish me a good fucking luck cause I get easily tired of heroes that are not Mirana.

                Melody, prepare your arse.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Krazy Kat

                  Abaddon has one great strength.
                  Very easy to insta-pick :-)


                    Abaddon? I meant Wraith King. I misswrote.


                      98 to go boys, should be at 125 when I'm done.

                      Thug life, I can feel it already. THE ATTACK ANIMATION SOUND BOYS, it hurts.


                        You know, what will you do if Melody refuses to take your 100 games same hero challenge?

                        Or did he accept already? Shame on you for not going carry Earthshaker btw.


                          Well, if I don't manage it myself it doesn't really matter. Melody get challenged, and he can't refuse. That's against the rules of humanity, thus he have to try. If he fails/manages it, he'll challenge another guy.

                          Thus far it's been bad. Either a carry that says it's ok to have 1 armor 30min into the game cause I can tank for him (as support) because the opponents doesn't decide who they want to attack, clearly not.

                          Last game Invoker bought euls and hex, but he didn't even use it. People tped out in front of him and he just lot those items stay off CD.

                          Playing @ night/morning is a bad idea I guess. Also game was 4v5 as AA abandoned.

                          Miku Plays

                            let Melody play a carry hero :D


                              Anti-Mage or Spectre. 100 games with these would be a plessure for me, however Wraith King seems boring as fuck. :d

                              ICE SKULL

                                only heroes i'd pi ck 100 times in a row is slark/storm/ta but i play 2 games a day only

                                आप गे क्यों

                                  WK is way too simple and boring a hero for 100 games straight
                                  Once u get his slow last hit timing down, blink stun and magic stick timing against Mburners.
                                  Theres really nothing much more technical about him

                                  There are strong reasons why people spam invokers, miranas and pudges.
                                  Because theres a challenge to land their skills

                                  A challenge which WK lacks

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა