General Discussion

General Discussionwhat could i have done to win this game?

what could i have done to win this game? in General Discussion

    this is not a QQ tread about how my teammates hold me back, i just want to know what should i have done differently to win this game

    i tried until min 25-30, which i did an ultra kill but the team still got dominated

    imo i was the best player in my team and maybe in the game, and still we didnt win
    the pudge was so noob, missing stupid hooks middle lane, yet my team fed him hard

    could someone watch the match instead of just watching the stats?
    maybe i could've farmed more but i didnt feel confident to do so because they were ganking bot (close to our jungle) and we had no wards

    seems like i have issues impactating the game, yesterday i did 20/1/11 on weaver and still the game took 1 hour to finish, my team was basically me dealing damage until very late where naga became online, versus medusa and NP that was killing everyone lulz but i could solo them pretty ez, the question is why did it take so long? my team didnt have much pushing power besides naga, beastmaster didn't uplvl any single point in his call beast skills until lvl14, we had no vision either

    but focus on that storm game.. could you guys point out some major mistakes i did? i know that i missed a few LH but i don't think it changed the outcome of the match.. what did I do wrong? thinking now perhaps i should have built BKB instead of guinsoo, this was the major mistake i guess. but by the point i had the money for bkb the game was already lost

    any comments?

    if possible


      I am no storm pro, but I believe the skill build you want is

      1 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 1 2 s 4 ssssssssssss

      Want level 3 pull, so you can pull people into your poop.


        I only watched a little bit but um, I saw that you were not using remnant that well to get last hits while harassing pudge. You gotta make sure that remnant kills the creep.

        Show lane dominance I saw you back way the hell up when a homing missile was coming towards you and you still got hit by it. (You can dodge it with roll).

        you also used bottle a lot with int treads on instead of switching it to agility. Thats all I saw for a short gander.

        And what I do is Q E E W E R E W W Q R Q Q W.

        You max Overload to harass people out of lane and assure good Cs. you could Get 2 in pull and 2 in overload but without ult overload can slow you too much and may be difficult. More damage output for less mana when maxing overload.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          You should have gotten way more cs than you did. Especially against Pudge mid. You should have gotten a BKB after Orchid since KotL's mana leak wrecks you. Earlygame you should have fed off of KotL and AA since they're both extremely squishy and easy for you to gank even before Orchid. And yeah the 1-3-1 skill build is generally accepted as the best for mid storm since 3 is what is needed to pull them into your remnant. After that max Overload and Remnant before maxing Vortex.

          Storm is really good at flashfarming the jungle with Remnant and Overload as well.

          But your main problem was your low CS. You should have had 2 big mana regen items (Hex was a good choice for the second) and a BKB by 40 minutes.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            yea i know i could dodge that, i forgot about the little delay before the roll goes out (im more comfortable with puck's shift which is instant)
            and i forgot completely about the treads switch until about 30min when i finally realized and started doing it

            and i agree with you, i wasn't very dominant (mainly because it was a pudge), i was afraid of running out of mana (still have issues managing it)

            anything else? ignore the late parts of the game where i went "meh fuck it" and was just rolling in for the killz (mostly suiciding)


              Dacheat, surely I missed a lot of farming
              but the game was already dominated by their team, i hadn't much space to farm mainly because they were ganking bot lane, making it easier for them to hunt me down on jungle

              i usually go for 1-3-1 build, dunno why i didnt do it this time

              about ganking i have some reliance issues, if we can call it that
              my team was already getting dominated in both lanes and I didn't feel that I could have a big impact in a battle. i even tried to gank 1 or 2 times and it ended up pretty miserably as I did not realize (no wards and bad awareness of mine) where they actually were and completely ignored gyro's ulti



                Again, I’m terrible with Storm, but I’m pretty sure the conventional build on Storm is 1-3-1 instead of 1-1-3.

                The combo when ganking early game once you get your ult is zip in, attack, pull, attack, poop, attack. Hopefully by then he’s dead or you need more zips or poops. Going the 1-1-3 build gives you 120 more attack damage, but going the 1-3-1 build gives you 140 poop damage and an extra 1 second of the pull. Unless you have a big mana regen running, I’m not sure how many more zips you can get in anyway. Is there something I’m missing?

                waku waku

                  buy wards

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