General Discussion

General DiscussionUndying - Thoughts

Undying - Thoughts in General Discussion

    Yo, just wondering what people think of undying as a hero.
    I keep finding myself dominating my lane, 4-0-4 or something, and then losing later.

    like Kotl + undying is arguably one of the strongest duel lanes, and not much really stands a chance.

    Also, Rushing refresher seems pretty cool.
    You barely have mana, but you get enough for 2 tombs and a soul rip or 2

    Thoughts on the hero?
    Strong? weak? needs buffs? needs nerfs?


      i find he's exceptional in some areas and horrid on others... more so in comparison to the average hero

      great vs tri lane cause of decay... seriously annoying, especially if they have expendable mana like you stated

      i think the buffs he got this patch were decent enough, not gettin gold/exp from zombies kinda sucks for the other team


        Pretty strong early + mid hero, tapers off late-game usually. Excellent at defending and pushing (though by far defending). The recent buffs to him make him better than he was though I'm not sold on whether pros will pick him up or not. He is indeed a neat hero who can fit into many teams due to his versatility.

        EDIT: While his zombies may become next to useless (other than slowing taregets as they get to low HP), his ult remains strong throughout the game as long as you can keep him alive in that state.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          dazzel + undying is stupidly strong lane.
          as the zombies count as heal targets..
          just played it and was 5-0-5 at 7 mins, solo killing everything.

          i can imagine an aggro tri with a dazzel + cm/kotl + undy, with a pugna mid and safelane furion
          being an almost unbeatable push strat.

          Soul rip does 500 burst damage/heal in an ideal situation, on a 7 sec cooldown.
          pretty rediculous if you ask me


            Trashcan tier hero which i'd rate 4/10. Good(although not always) for the first 10-15 minutes in the game but then he becomes a walking mega creep. Tombstone is useless, low damage, pathetic slow, only good for disabling things like dagger or breaking refraction. You may think that he's at least tanky enough to charge forward and initiate but nah - he has no armor, low str gain and no escape-like ability. Also, this hero can't farm at all.
            Basically, if you don't win the game for 20 minutes - you lose.


              Hate to agree since I like Undying, but yeah he isn't too good at later phase of the game. His farming is horrible, so if you don't get your useful items early it's a bitch to get them later phase. Sometimes though I can snowball with him, but I have a lot of times where I start off really strong, then just phizzle out.


                I may be biased, but I love undying to death. He's extremely powerful if played correctly. Losing in the later game may be the result of a few things. First, your team composition may be off. Undying is kind of like tidehunter or enigma in that he wants team fights to happen because he will win them for you. Maxing out his tombstone and then forcing team fights is what he wants, and if your team composition supports this you should be fine. Heroes like abbadon, dazzle, or naga combo well with him.
                You could also be losing because you picked undying without thinking about the team composition of the enemy team. Undying is a counter pick hero. You pick him when the other team is trying to force big team fights. If they pick a naga, enigma, tide hunter, tuskar etc, you pick undying because he will always trump them. If they have heroes that don't work in your favor, like chaos knight, weaver, bristle etc, then you are going to lose as the game goes on because what little effect you had on the game diminishes even more.
                Undying is a support hero, despite his ability to dominate lanes. You want to build him as such, with Mek, Pipe, Drums, and Vlads being your top priority depending on what your team needs from you. Also, while not always the case, his tombstone should usually be used as a reactive spell, instead of a proactive one. If you proactively cast the tombstone it can be difficult to keep the fight inside its effect. If the enemy comes to you however, and you respond with a tombstone, you can better make use of it. This is why you pick him as a counter pick to heros like tuskar and enigma.
                All in all though, he is a hero that gets weaker as the game goes on. He can't stun, and hes not a carry. Popping tombstone and healing your carry, or taking as many spells as he can to force cool downs, is the best you can hope for in a game that goes to 50+ min. Playing undying is playing to end the game before 40 min or so. Again, Maxing his tombstone and forcing multiple team fights, usually through pushing, and making space for your carry to farm is what undying is all about.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                Dire Wolf

                  He is strong but you must get a couple kills in your lane or like others said he falls off fast. Most undyings don't play aggressive enough imo or get matched up with a poor lane partner (like undying plus a hard farming carry, not so good). Also smart teams will often just rotate out of his lane which kinda makes him ineffective. Aggressive tri with undying and kotl? Ok hard carry is rotating long lane. Undying isn't so useful then.