General Discussion

General Discussionnever ever fucking give up

never ever fucking give up in General Discussion

    always try my friends


      so bad, why they are attacking heroes instead of throne


        Yea, that can only really happen in lower bracket. Usually people say gg and quit in higher bracket because if the other team, that knows what they're doing get fed its pretty much gg. Of course you can still try, but in a lower bracket its less certain because of more fuckups like that. I've seen so many Very high skill pool games get abandoned cause someone gets 5 kills in the first 5-6 minutes.


          That's why I have "Don't Give Up!" in my phrases


            Throw of the year, lol.

            30k gold advantage + megacreeps + 100hp throne = lose the game

            /\/ /\ T

              I really hate it when people call gg after 5 minutes of bad laning and a few ganks. Although when the rage quit he extra gold is nice i guess


                honestly i fuckin despise players who gives up after 5mins of game where the score isnt even reomotely close to gg, someone almost ALWAYS throws/afks because of player picks/lane fails/etc

                you guys need to understand that these things ALREADY HAPPENED and CANNOT be changed, so complaining about it is NOT going to improve game play, it will ONLY increase your blood pressure AND make you feel shittier when ranting about bullshit. Most dota players are SO close minded its unreal.

                nice video tho, pretty sick come back, i never give up and i've definitely made similar close comebacks but not to that extreme. There was a sick dota 1 competitive game between NAVI and MYM, had like a million downloads on gosugamers or so, MYM throne down to 100hp while navi FULL raxes up + t2 towers up. One of the best and sickest games ive seen

                P.S.and it DOES NOT MATTER if you only have 1% chance to win , you still SHOULD try, giving up leads to EVERY failure in life and you will NOT succeed at ANYTHING in life by giving up because chances are not pleasant


                  yeah because spending 100 minutes on a single dota match sure is fun, sure they may have won by never giving up but at what fucking cost lmao, you can play 3 dota matches in the time it took them to complete 1 match, if it was a tournament game with a prize involved id totally understand but other than that... i cant justify spending 100 minutes on a dota match at all..

                  if you people honestly care that badly about a single measely win with no prize involved other than another green line on your recent match history then maybe you should get a reality check.


                    I don't think it's about that one measly win, but it's the satisfaction of being able to come back from such a deficit.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Sampson calls gg before creeps spawn.

                      We fuckin lost.


                        How can you not give up when you went axe mid against dp...trashed the dp and the jungling prophet...proceed to create shitload of space...wait for mirana to get 8minutes phase which she was considered as our position one and went against a solo lifestealer then she randomyl walks around when they're no one to arrow while a lifestealer, sniper just casually farms and despite me shouting and in caps lock going...MIRANA STOP WALKING AROUND AND JUST GO FARM still continues to just walk around and have a lower gpm as axe? ...............................................................................

                        Krazy Kat

                          That was awesome. Thank god somebody condensed it down to 7 minutes.
                          Did you see where radiant evened up the money after being down 40k gold at one point?
                          Thx for link.


                            Epic game! I dont believe those guys were low mmr, look at the CS they had (900 CS in 100 min) and the plays they did.