General Discussion

General DiscussionNoob heros

Noob heros in General Discussion

    I am really tired of people flaming me and others for playing heroes. Heroes that they consider "OP" or "Noob", I am getting tired of being flamed for playing Axe or Lycan, they have actually gone as far as to report me. More that once.

    There are no "Noob" heroes nor are there any "OP" heroes, either you are skillful with your hero or you are not.
    I do not consider Axe a noob hero, nor do I consider Lycan op.
    If people don't know how to deal with skipping Axe or a jungling Lycan, there fault. Don't blame the hero, blame yourself!

    Do you guys get flamed for picking certain heroes?


      Axe for me is a pretty hard hero (at least for me). I actually can't play this hero close to efficient. Lycan has so much hate because it's so annoying to play against a good Lycan.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        I picked brood since she got out in Dota 2 and when she wasnt considered strong and once she got buffed i got a "brood-picker" every game.
        You should not worry about that at all tbh. It is your thing what you do, if you enjoy it, you shouldnt be enjoying it less just because your team or enemies dont enjoy it.


          I mean whose fault is it that they have 2 melee heroes in a lane against Axe? Rage and flaming I can handle, but why report me?


            of course there are op heroes... during the 6.80 patch the chances of every game having at least one of invoker, tb, ember is, to give a safe estimate, 100%

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              I don't agree with that, I don't think there are any OP heroes. Some may be a little stronger than others, but I would in no means label them "OP". At least at my lvl, I have played against many tb and embers and there an Invoker. Never thought of any of them as "OP".


                There are "noob" heroes: Wraith King for example - hero with only one skill (Q).

                There are OP heroes: Crystal Maiden for example - she completely changes how your team manages mana. Basically it's two completely different games: DOTA2 with CM in your team and DOTA2 without CM in your team.


                  CM - incredibly squishy hero who is incredibly easy to kill in a gank balances the extra mana regen

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    ^ Her squishyness balances only her OP damage, it can't balance GLOBAL mana regen aura.


                      I wouldn't consider her damage OP, first skill hits for 250 @ level 4 and second skill does 280 @ level 4, obviously her ULTI does a lot but that's on such a long cooldown that it's rarely used to full duration before the enemy focuses you. I won't disagree that her aura is extremely good, I just wouldn't consider it OP


                        people report you for playing op heroes? don't play op heroes then? :/ what can you do about it.

                        Quick maffs

                          Just ignore them, those reports are not going to do anything anyway


                            most of the time when I pick meepo people will be quick to whine


                              You have to get A LOT of report before anything happens, so don't worry about it.
                              IMO there's no op heroes right now.
                              CM is only effective early game, and you have to choose between giving aura to your team (which has 0 impact lategame because of huge manapools) and dealing 0 damage or leveling up your nukes (which are only effective early and early mid game). You can't say that's overpowered, because it's not.
                              Invoker, Lycan, TB, Ember. None of those have an escape before hitting six, nor a way to recover if they're shut down enough in the early game. The fact that your pub can't gank them before they snowball doesn't make them any op.


                                Every hero is OP.


                                  mute everyone and instalock lycan everygame, im there for you brotha


                                    I sometimes report myself for picking invoker.

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      "There are no "Noob" heroes nor are there any "OP" heroes, either you are skillful with your hero or you are not."

                                      That is the whole point the heroes your getting made fun of everyone is skillful with and it is pretty hard to play them poorly. Most you can even just buy the dota2 recommended items and your doing it right.

                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        "Axe for me is a pretty hard hero (at least for me). I actually can't play this hero close to efficient. Lycan has so much hate because it's so annoying to play against a good Lycan."

                                        There really wasn't a good lycan pre patch everyone was just abusing split pushing and necro books as much as possible for easy MMR in primarily solo qued games.


                                          Take solace in the fact that the enemy team is unhappy with your gameplay, and not your own team. Carry their reports like a badge of honor. If it continues to bother you, Mute the enemy team.


                                            @ Last picking is 4 pussies, if everyone skillful at those heroes. Why do they not know how to counter them. your logic is flawed, that and your English :)

                                            @ Kryptny, thanks.

                                            There are no "easy to play heroes", just like there are no "hard to play heroes". There is only your level of skill and understanding of that hero. i.e. Meepo is hard to play if you do not understand his skills or his pros and cons, if you do he is not difficult to play.
                                            The same goes for all heroes.


                                              wk is not easy to play you got me brah


                                                As long as i win, i dont give fuck what people thinks about what hero i used.

                                                Amni くろねこ

                                                  Got reported and called "es picker" after the 6.80 update
                                                  Some people are just sore losers

                                                  caesar joestar

                                                    Picking Xin, even after 6.81 brings me to being blamed, I guess.


                                                      i get flamed everytime i play Treant protector even tho i suck with him lol (by the enemy team)

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        "There are no "easy to play heroes", just like there are no "hard to play heroes". There is only your level of skill and understanding of that hero. i.e. Meepo is hard to play if you do not understand his skills or his pros and cons, if you do he is not difficult to play.
                                                        The same goes for all heroes."


                                               So the hero most played looks like this because what?

                                                        Fact is people in video games at least 75% gravitate to the easiest thing with the most reward.

                                                        Also stop talking about countering heroes you realize a majority of people playing DOTA 2 do not play Captains Mode they play All pick where its a competition to pick fluff in the last 2 seconds of hero selection or lose gold to not be countered.

                                                        Oh I get it now you do not win 50% of your games yet win almost 75% as Lycan....must be because your just as good as all heroes right?

                                                        ***Side note I will give you some props as in 6.8 you only went Necro 3 on Lycan 4 times so at least your not flavor of the month building.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          I do not mean counter picking, but countering with actual game play. i.e. You are up against a Lycan, you have few or no stuns, you counter him by shutting him down early game or with items.

                                                          I never said I was good at all heroes, how ever I DO KNOW Lycan. I understand his style of play and when to push and when not to push. I am terrible at quite a few heroes, not because they are hard BUT because I have not practiced enough and lack insight on those heroes. If I spent the time I spent on them as I do on Lycan, I would be better at those heroes.

                                                          Also you cannot judge a person's skill by his win rate.

                                                          We all have heroes that we are not good at, i.e. your Lycan is terrible. Just as my Tiny is terrible. Not because they are hard, but because we made mistakes etc.

                                                          " So the hero most played looks like this because what?" I don't quite understand this. Pudge and Invoker, both of which are not easy to play WELL.

                                                          There is a huge distinction between playing tolerably well and PLAYING WELL.

                                                          I don't like Nec on Lycan, I think it kinda sucks. :)

                                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                            You looked at the timeframe all my Lycan games took place yes? Old Meta with bad ideas. Also look at our KDA almost the exact same especially in K/D/A. Of course I couldn't even begin to tell you what patch I picked lycan but ppl back then did not like seeing him picked saying he sucked.

                                                            I guarantee I would have had 60% min. on Lycan last patch doing the vlad/necro book 3 so easy a monkey could do it route. Which is my point again.

                                                            People gravitate to what is the flavor of the month and what is easy with low risk of failing. This is why everyone and their mom began to move to invoker.

                                                            In essence there is noob heroes the only equality in this game in regards to heroes is that everyone can select any hero they want.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              if u win the opponents will just say "<hero name> picker"! and i give a wicked smile to them which annoys them inside out! :D
                                                              Even when i picked Elder Titan, a Pudge said "ET picker".. lol! xD

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                Can't say I ever heard anyone say ET picker before... ;)


                                                                  Pudge noob hero,
                                                                  deal with it


                                                                    Pudge is not a "Noob" hero, noobs are attracted to pudge. But Pudge requires a certain amount of skill to play well.


                                                                      ^ i do agree with pudge noob hero.

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!