General Discussion

General DiscussionEAST VS WEST 6.81 at TI4?

EAST VS WEST 6.81 at TI4? in General Discussion
<font face="wide latin">N...

    who have the most advantage on the current meta right now TI'3 has been west Meta(alliance and navi) post TI3 has been east (DK and VG) will this be the last patch before TI4?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Will this be the last patch before TI4? Do you believe we know more than you? "NO questions are dumb", but hell this one was.

      I doubt there will be any big changes before TI4.


        It all depends on if the game will keep being balanced. If the game isn't balanced then they'll be forced to update the game again before TI4, but since the update seems pretty well rounded, i think it'll be the last patch before TI4.

        The thing is, most of these teams that are being pretty good at the moment were pretty reliant on how the Ember Spirit player would do. Not that this would be all the time. It could also be the base of a very strong Luna player, rat dota Siren, Lycan, etc. Basically Ember got pretty nerfed and Luna got slightly nerfed so the hero choices will need to vary a little bit, since now an Ember Spirit player can be shut down early with even less chances to come back now.

        But I would say that DK would win TI4 seeing on how they're playing so far. They're just acing all matches in all positions, they're really good.


          ^high knowledge player here

          <font face="wide latin">N...

            do you even remember the time when valve brings a new patch 2 weeks before TI3 if i remember?...


              Lord Helix said it. Peniel, does that even matter? Does that make us know if this will be the last patch before TI4? No. I answered your question, I dont care about your opinions

              <font face="wide latin">N...

                wow thank you so much pro dangdango-sama now i know that im dumb and all your answers are correct.


                  not pro dangdang-sama, LORD dangdang-sama. Also, your question has a pretty obvious answer.
                  I have nothing against you, but I hate people asking stupid questions we obviously have no answer to. WHO IS ICEFROG? IS IT HAVOC BADGER?!`="#)¤"

                  You're just showing that you get offended by me, w34k


                    IceFrog is phone.


                      Oh, fck.... Somebody actually knew who IceFrog was... Whatever, then somebody might know if there will be patches. I take back everything I've written. rofl I didn't know you was a Lord too, helix.

                      King of Low Prio

                        ember wasnt nerfed that much, mostly he was nerfed in the safe lane(he needs more levels) and not that big of a change to mid ember


                          True, infact ember doesn't need too much nerfs. The hero isn't as strong as people says, also the hero only have 51% winrate in pro games.

                          King of Low Prio

                            alot of people only focus on singsing and rtz winning with it but ignore every other pro team lose when they pick it....


                              extly. I think I have like 70% winrate vs Ember Spirit.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                I think there wasn't enough nerfs to the real top picks. Invoker, Mirana, Puck, AA, etc. all had real minor or no nerfs. Lycan's nerf isn't even that bad, either. The only thing that's gonna change is Naga and Ember, and slightly less Luna, but I didn't even feel Luna was picked that much.

                                I feel Rubick's gonna stay a commonly picked second-tier support for the rest of his life…


                                  DK, their versatility in 6.80 has shown how well they can deal with different variation of heroes. Also with 71 helping them to analyse the patch, they would adapt very fast compared to the transition from 6.79 to 6.80

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!