General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain 2,4k mmr? Support player

Can someone explain 2,4k mmr? Support player in General Discussion

    I'm always playing support, getting wards, smoke,etc, and have 57% winrate. Can someone explain how I've got 2,4k mmr? Is it because I never get carry?

    King of Low Prio

      winrate =/ skill level

      buying wards
      buying smoke

      are step 1 of playing support not the advanced tactics


        it's because you suck at dota


          Keep it up. If you keep on winning at a 57% win rate, you'll improve your mmr in no time.


            No you won''re a 2k player who smurfed but continued to stack with 2k players this is not smurfing done right. If you are going to smurf you have to do it all solo or with someone above 4k to get the desired result.

            nebunu la jokuri 77777

              It's not smurf lol

              nebunu la jokuri 77777

                She's my gf who's trying to learn dota. And we have stacks between 3 and 4,5k, she has the smallest mmr

                King of Low Prio

                  well she is not my gf so I dont have to lie to her like you do but she sucks -_-

                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                    XD for a player who's playing for 5 months she's not that bad. I play dota since forever and I still feed sometimes when stacking with 4,5k. -sad-

                    King of Low Prio

                      I understand you have to tell her

                      'you are doing great'
                      'great plays'

                      but I am not her bf so I can tell her the truth, she is at X rating for a reason and it has nothing to do with the role she plays. Can she improve? Sure but at this moment she is not a 4k player

                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                        Well.....I tried :D


                          having a 57% winrate vs other 2k players doesn't mean you're better than someone with a 49% winrate who plays against 5k players despite having a higher winrate.

                          If I'm a carry and I buy a set of wards or a smoke for the team, does that change my role? No. Buying support items does not instantly make you a (good) support by any means.

                          supports help their teammates, and generally have a low farm priority (position 4 or 5) because they can still perform their role without gold, or with little of it. Buying support items is required of a support but as sampson said it's step 1, not even close to covering all that a support does.

                          things that supports can do do (not a complete list):

                          • stack a neutral camp every minute, creating a permanent XP and gold boost for your team

                          - congrats, you just gave your team 150 gold by attacking at a :53 and walking away
                          - makes use of all the possible farm on the map. There's 3 lanes AND the jungle. if the enemy is only farming 2 lanes and the jungle, your team will have more gold to spend on better items. this advantage can be lost by teammates building shit items though
                          - your side laners have a plan B if their lanes don't go so well

                          e.g. a batrider needs blink dagger to be effective, but once he gets it, that means someone else can go farm batrider's lane instead, because bat can go ganking instead. if you stack camps, bat gets blink dagger sooner, you get more gold and XP because you can farm mid if bat leaves the lane.

                          • secure runes : has multiple effects from one simple action
                          - stops the enemy ganking with a powerful rune
                          - can create situations where your team can get kills with the rune
                          - can force the enemy back to base if they do not have regen
                          - force the enemy to bottle crow. not as good as going back to base, since they can still get XP, but can't farm. although if you have prophet or bounty, you can snipe the courier
                          - can keep your mid hero in lane if they pick up the rune
                          - allows the courier to be used by the team since your mid won't need to bottle crow

                          • deny XP to the offlaner
                          - pull neutrals so that the neutrals KILL the lane creeps. Too many bad supports only single pull and end up pushing the wave to the enemy tower, which makes the lane worse than if you had not pulled at all.
                          - harass the offlaner and force him to use up all of his/her regen earlier, meaning he has to go to base sooner and not get XP. if the offlaner still has salve/tango 5 minutes in, he doesn't have to go to base, he can just sit in lane and eat trees all day until he's level 6. in the offlane you basically spend gold to get XP (buy regen to stay in lane)
                          - simply stand between the lane creeps and the offlaner. if s/he goes in to get XP, s/he will have to take 200 damage in auto attacks for a single creep of XP that should also get denied by your carry. congrats enemy offlaner, you just used 1 tango for 16 XP.
                          - a level 5 carry + level 2 support vs a level 2 offlaner is much better than a level 4 carry + support vs a level 6 offlaner. if you leave the lane, your carry can handle the offlaner solo because he is 3 levels above. if your carry is underlevelled because you've been stealing XP, then you can't leave the lane and risk him/her dying.

                          • deny farm to the enemy, even at the expense of your own.
                          - doesn't matter if you have no farm, supports are supposed to do their job without it, carries however, can't.
                          - if you have 200 GPM but you keep the enemy luna at 200 GPM, you can still support, but she can't carry
                          - compare 1 support + 1 carry, both with 500 GPM, to 1 support with 200 GPM + a carry with 800 GPM. both total 1000 GPM, but the second is a better choice because carries benefit more from gold, supports don't, meaning the 500 GPM on the support is wasted.

                          • win your lanes
                          - either by killing the lane opponent or forcing them out of the lane by almost killing them
                          - which allows your carry/mid/offlaner to get every possible last hit. no missed last hits because they had to heal from being harassed
                          - makes winning the other lanes easier because your carry/mid can now handle the enemy offlaner/mid without your help, allowing you to focus on winning the other 2 lanes
                          e.g. you kill the enemy mid 3 times, your mid is level 6, the enemy mid is level 3. your mid can kill the enemy mid solo, so you can now help top and bottom lane instead.

                          • sacrifice yourself for the greater good
                          - if your carry dies for 60s, s/he loses gold for dying, and loses gold for not farming for 60s.
                          e.g. if they have 700 GPM and lose 300g from dying, that's 1k gold lost
                          - if a support dies, it could only be 400g lost, and supports don't need gold anyways
                          - if you have a split pusher, they can trade towers if the enemy group up to push after a kill (because they are 4v5). if a split pusher dies though, the enemy can push towers and not lose any of their own.

                          • save item slots on teammates
                          - carry aura items or items that can be used on teammates (force, e-blade, linkens)
                          - if you have vlads, force, e-blade + linkens, you can basically give someone 4 extra item slots and ~11k net value (vlads 2k, force 2.3k, ghost 1.6, linkens 5.2)
                          - some items are only useful if a teammate has them e.g. diffusal blade as a late game support item can purge off scythe of vyse's hex and other disables. obviously the hexed person cannot do that, so someone else has to. a carry doesn't want to pop BKB too early (to avoid getting hexed), but also doesn't want to activate BKB too late that they die before they can use it.
                          - medallion of courage / veil of discord / orchid damage amp will have a large impact even in the late game but you don't want to get it instead of daedelus on a carry for example.

                          King of Low Prio

                            ^ I like you