General Discussion

General Discussionquestions

questions in General Discussion

    Hi. So since I have only 20 games, why am I match with people that have over 600 or more games?

    Also, in most of the games, it shows I'm in very-high skill bracket.

    What does it mean? What mmr in ranked I shoud expect when i unlock that mose?


      The quantity of games in not important as it will be pairing you with people of your same play level or MMR rank, I get paired with smurfs all the time that are just so garbage and I am sitting on 4500+ games.

      There were originally 3 guages of skill before the dawn of MMR there was normal/high/very high and most new accounts will get dropped into very high if you play at an acceptable level.

      Judging by what you play and how you play it I would assume you would be about 3900 ranking after calibration.