General Discussion

General Discussionnever ceases to amazes me

never ceases to amazes me in General Discussion

    partied up with a friend and well i have to deal with an average of 3.2k which is horrid imo

    anyhow, i guess the other team was roughly more or less the same, but this god damn slark man

    using smokes to remove my assassinate over and over .__.
    2 good


      yeah smoke cancels assassinate, whats the point of this thread? dotabuff isnt a blog, go try tumblr



        internet = blog


          3.2 party =! 3.2 solo

          Its like the faggots who bitch about having higher party mmr than my solo mmr when they have 2k solo after they feed to 4k solo players


            This is like StarCraft league problems again.

            Just because you're master's in 4v4 doesn't mean you can bitch about being silver in 1v1, by god.

            BTW, properly timed mirana leap and mirror image, boom why play sniper.



              3.2 is not = 3.2 solo

              you don't know the history of my games

              ive managed to constantly stick around 4.1k for a few months, so that's probably where i belong

              mmm sit down faggot


              i'm not talking about being a master, you're the one insinuating that i am :/
              controversial or not, there is a difference between instances of +/- 500 mmr - generally speaking.

              why player sniper? sniper's an extremely fun hero, and i love being able to breeze through enemies at the fountain.
              i don't care that the "majority" of people think that sniper or pudge or drow are bad heroes.
              either put up or shut up :/

              anyhow, yes leap can dodge, mirror image can dodge, blink can dodge, I was just unaware that i would go against a slark in the 3k bracket who knew how to smoke from a far enough distance to cancel assassinate. i'm pretty sure i also saw him dark pact the assassinate damage (nullified) i was suppose to deal, or maybe it was just a delayed pounce.


                wtf... how are you only 4.1k?
                your stats look insane as hell...


                  @A Dick Shun
                  Addiction, OH PUNS...

                  You're so punny, man... you made me laugh with this nick...


                    Calling people faggot and name calling is not the way to go son.

                    Point being, you don't know how many people are in the 3k Bracket. There was once this one guy who had twice as much game's as me, then suck major ass against my team in a solo que.

                    Point being said, don't rank solo and group together. There is a big difference with a party of one, and a party of five.

                    and with Chinkyminks. How the hell are you still in 4.1k? That's just crazy. Especially with your mirana.


                      mm, well i was climbing up at 4400

                      but im tryin to decide if im just playing worse than before or if im really getting just bad strings of losses
                      who knows

                      maybe i'm doin somethin wrong lol, ive looked at my hero dmg, tower dmg, hero healing (if i have any healing abilities), and it's generally decent, but i don't have enough of what it takes i guess lol


                      i was replying back to the other person who threw the first rock

                      I don't, but that isn't the exact situation.
                      It's more like a party of two almost all the time, sometimes 3 or 5 (perhaps less than 5% of my games have more than a party of 2)

                      Oddly enough, it's generally like these two situations:

                      2 stack
                      2 stack
                      5 stack



                      Whenever I group in party I go against 5 stacks fairly consistently, which annoys me actually :/

                      Perhaps unluckiness, perhaps bad play, or maybe zenoth can use a more precise method to deduce why (;