General Discussion

General Discussiondo u have those games where

do u have those games where in General Discussion

    a 2 or 3 stack piss u off

    and u just end up not exactly throwing, but not trying either :/


      Man I had one earlier where I had lag ranging from 300 -4000ms and i kept getting cold snapped and focused by the entire enmy team, which resulted in my team winning ;-;


        i meant like on ur own team lol

        cause usually if theyre friends theyll defend each other even if they made stupid moves
        then they just rail on ya and i RQ farm jungle


          i always try to win, regardless of my team, but i do know when i will lose.


            What wink said. Sportsmanship man, get some.

            Dr Sharkie^

              this is like 90% of solo ranked for me. What's worse is when they're not even playing in the correct region and don't speak English.


                "cause usually if theyre friends theyll defend each other even if they made stupid moves"

                Those people are not true friends, they are just insecure mofos. A true friend will flame the everliving shit out of his friend when he makes a retarded move, because they care for each other and they don't want the other one to keep living in stupidity. Of course, after the flames are done (which the one getting flamed will laugh off, because they are friends), they tell them WHY what they did is retarded and how he can improve and then both of them will be happier.

                So, if you ever play with me and you ever see me flaming the crap out of you, it's a sign that I consider us friends! That or what you did was actually beyond retarded and deserved a thousand flames. Have fun! :)


                  Puta madre americano noob gg


                    It sucks.

                    Also sucks that moment when you are leading the game, but perhaps you realize that they are going to comeback. I don't know, i have that feeling... like you used to rape them in TF, then they start surviving and even killing 1 or 2, and when you realize, they are wiping your team out. I always feel it when im in a "gg fast" line-up and the game goes over 25~30 min.

                    Dr Sharkie^

                      man I had a match like that earlier. The ember spirit and morphling (partied together) avoided fights for the first half of the game while we lost every tier 1 and 2 tower. Puck was ganking my team left, right and center. Mean while myself, earth shaker and earth spirit were making plays happen, taking towers and picking off whoever we could. Tough game, shoulders so sore.


                        ppl who dont get the hero they want

                        and then proceed to ward/block our own jungle

                        and then say, "i dont know how to play"


                          I get stacks with retarded picks quite often in non-ranked... Like they would be the ones that want to throw.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!