General Discussion

General DiscussionQoP Mindest

QoP Mindest in General Discussion

    I'd like to start playing QoP more since she seems like a pretty good hero. But I've got a few questions about her

    I understand that she's a good ganker early game due to all her nukes. Her early game is great, but her late game seems weak, what should I do to keep up my presence?

    During team fights, shall I be trying to pick off the supports in the back with my blink, scream, etc? Or should I be going for someone like the tank? The initiator?

    What are good items to get on her late game? Scythe is the only item I can think of, agh's doesn't seem to good. What else?

    Some mid heroes require farm to be effective, but QoP seems more like a ganker, should I play like pudge and just sit mid for the xp (last hits are good though too) and gank often? Or should I be farming up for items?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      buy skadi and linkens and kite forever

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        she has strong flash farm with her scream, take advantage of that.. a fast aghs is not that bad either.. 40 sec cooldown i think ? on ult is pretty good.

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          I like orchid on queen. Ez mana regen provides for less tp scrolls = more left over gold. Not to mention damage amplification and a long ass semi disable.


            Queen is a very strong mid, just play aggressively in the mid lane, don't dive unless you can 100% get the kill and get out with minimal damage. Gank often, and don't be afraid to drop everything you have. Also, unlike pudge, you don't sit mid for the XP, you go mid to win it, you will get last hits and beat almost every other mid in the game. On the topic of items, an aghs is good, a Sheep stick is good, and a bloodstone is also good, because spaming scream can take a bit of mana.


              I too like orchid on her, it's cheaper than hex and you already have a slow to couple it with the silence, so you don't really need more lockdown. Of course, BKB and Manta will remove it so there's that.


                To play QOP u must understand that a huge lead has to be made in the early to mid game, not in last hits, u have to influence the entire game by yourself. The most crucial time is during lvl 5-10, where the scream of pain is most effective. With bottle and rune, gank relentlessly. Its even better if u manage to force your opponent's mid to other lanes to back them up.
                The way i play qop is about creating space, to give your carry space to grow by becoming the bait. Don't be afraid to tp home after a successful gank, heal up quick and go ganking again.
                When it comes to items, qop is extremely versatile. When I have a lead I do like agha the most, due to the low cd for sonic wave, and the ability to burst down supports quickly. And depending on the game, I often build force staff as well, force staff gives the ability to jump in for a quick kill or harass and get out safely, it saved me countless of times when blink is on cooldown. The other standard items are orchid/bkb/linkens/hex.
                Don't follow a set item build all the time, change your build depending on what would help u best in the game.


                  Dagon 5, blodstone and eb.

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