General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me leave the 2K bracket

Help me leave the 2K bracket in General Discussion

    So recently I've been on a 6 loss streak and I'm working my way deeper into the trench, and apart from my first game (in which I made some pretty bad mistakes) I feel as though I did everything I could to help my team secure the victory, but it just never happens.

    I tend to last pick supports, for the reason that in my last 3 games I'm the only support (one of the bad parts of the 2K bracket), but I can't rely on my teammates to be reliable carries. I'm happy to continue supporting as long as my team take advantage of the situations I can create.

    Examples of situations where as a support I can't further help my team beyond their own idiocy:

    Bloodseeker rushing force staff before finishing treads, the same bloodseeker who forces medusa to offlane instead of getting safe lane farm;
    Pudge trying to 1v5 enemy team;
    A teammate rejoicing from timbersaw to use riki offlane instead (and give up first blood in <30 seconds);
    Storm spirit taking mid and building support items (force staff and arcane boots don't help a ganking "carry")

    I'm not trying to suggest that I'm in elo hell and all my teammates are worse than me and blah blah blah, there's a reason I was in this bracket once my calibration finished, and I'm not going to question the system. What I want to know is what I can do to make my team more likely to win. Should I just disregard trying to support teammates and go for a high impact game hero for myself and hope that we as a team pull through? Should I continue to support and pray that I get competent teammates?

    Any and all (serious) advice would be greatly appreciated


      I'm in 2k trashbracket as well, and play terrorblade.
      Never lost as that nigga


        and in 2k trashbracket you cant depend on your teammates to win, just play carry, fuck support
        if ur good u can 1v5 carry your whole team


          and play meepo


            and play rat doto natures prophet lycan tp boots
            and tinker
            never lose


              let me play on your account, just add me.


                ^ dont do this
                he will either scam you/or get you to around 3.5k but i can assure u i've played with some 5k friends in 3.5k bracket and the calibration system is correct. once u are in 3.5k ull jsut go back down to 2k


                  just get better and play carry always stop fucking supporting u cant rely on ur teammates in 2k fucking trash fucking dumpster fucking land fill bracket


                    Yeh I'm not looking to expand my MMR unduly, I want to get to the area that accurate represents me as a player, rather than getting bumped up and hoping I stay there


                      play ember/tb/ursa and other pub stompers to get out of it


                        notice your 6 loss streak 1 loss-carry BS 5 loss- supports


                          Play supports that have a chance to go "semi-carries" such as Windrunner, enchantress, visage etc. If you're really able to create space for your team using those characters, then (I believe) you will be successful


                            Ah, thought u wanted me to help you ._.

                            Anyway, at your level I guess Ursa would stomp like heck, so would bounty, weaver, riki I could assume. Bounty Hunter is extremely fun to play until you play with people who actually buys sentries. Just leech up exp and go roam at lvl 6. (Phase, Wand, Drums, Bkb, or the fun one. Phase, Wand , Deso)


                            you could also add me. I love to talk with people and I bet I could help you out. I can spectate your games thru coach at the evening as I usually stop playing @ that time. <--- I'd suggest you not to play while tired. I always find myself not thinking while playing when im tired. That ends up with thoughts like: Wtf did I do that? What was I doing there? What is this guy doing? etc..

                            Anyway, add me if you'd like. I could help :p

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Add me ill help you

                              Can watch your games or something

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                something to note. in pubs, especially low skill ones. the 5-position support does not exist. in your bracket, that's just considered a feeder. your teammates will not capitalise on your sacrifice, and will generally result in an extra death. this is why selfless support heroes like shadow demon, wisp, and chen have shit dotabuff winrates.

                                help your teammates, but don't if it does not benefit you. help them gank because you'll get gold from it, but don't join losing fights when you could just push another lane.

                                you don't necessarily want to play carry, but you want a hero who's success is independent of their allies. i.e. not carries who have shit laning presence, e.g. faceless void and anti mage, so pick supports who have good early game, and are still useful as the game goes late, or certain junglers.

                                some heroes who have success indepedent of their allies, especially in low skill pubs, are split pushers, nature's prophet being the poster child of low skill pubstompers due to low skill players not knowing how to deal with split push.while everyone's running around like headless chickens on the top lane, he's taking your tier 3 on the bottom lanee, and rather than commit to the push, his enemies will teleport back to defend, which is what NP wants you to do, because he simultaneously damages your tower, while defending his own.

                                somecarries that have mediocre laning phases and can split push well include phantom lancer, tiny, terrorblade, weaver. with PL and Tiny, get a soul ring and just spam your opponents out of lane. Terrorblade can get solo kills with metamorphosis and reflection, although he is weak to magic nukes. with weaver, a linken's sphere makes you incredibly annoying to catch, desolator reduces tower armour, and the old school radiance build allows you to clear creeps quicker from the burn damage.

                                split pushing allso creates time for your teammates to farm, making up for their shitty farming efficiency, and also slowing down the enemy's, because they're forced to defend their towers rather than doing stuff like clearing stacked camps. if the enemy commit 5 people to chasing one hero, that means they aren't pressuring the other 4 players on your team.

                                some supports can still be useful late, and having a good laning stage, especially in this patch is important for getting a lead, and keeping it. shadow shaman for example, has an extremely high duration of disables, can get solo kills with wards, and can also destroy buildings on par with other pushing carries. if you get a good start, you can capitalise on that to get yourself a bigger advantage later on. late game carries are useless when the game doesn't even get that far because every 2 minutes a shadow shaman destroys your towers with his serpent wards.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  I'll still add you dang dang, that's a nice gesture ^.^ you to guiri, I'm fairly certain I was chatting with you in the DB guild chat a few hours ago? :P seems like the general consensus is to play more selfishly but at the same time help the team(?)


                                    delete your account, make a new one.


                                      it's hard to outright define, honestly the best recommendation from me would be to play with better people and listen to their advice in game. Ask them why when they say something. Like I said, I'll sit with you for some and talk you through things you can do/should do.


                                        I like to play heroes that have a good impact on the early game. My team knows how to push buttons well so if I give them an advantage by ganking alot early game (QWInvoker) they tend to win later. I sometimes just nicely suggest items as well like a bkb if the enemy is magical. And if I'm supporting I'll build a pipe.


                                          playing afk rat dota lycan is probably your best bet. afk farm your vlads/bot/necro 3 (pushing lanes wherever possible and smoking into rosh whenever possible)

                                          after that never play with your team, keep one of the sidelanes pushed out enough so that if a fight breaks out, you can BoT to the pushed out lane and take at least one tower. the towers go down ridiculously fast and pubbers often have no idea how to deal with it, so if you want to get out of 2k mmr (which im assuming is probably on the low end of rating for you) just play him. obviously it'll be boring but if you want to have better games down the line its prolly worth.

                                          two other good heroes are naga and morph, the former because teams won't push/prevent you from farming for a long time so getting a radiance is incredibly easy (boots bottle QB and radiance at 15-18 minute mark is pretty standard) and then you can push out two sidelanes and straight up choke the enemy team provided your team isn't massively feeding (all these heroes won't give u 100% winrate, but should be way above 50), and the latter because most people underestimate him and you can get away with things like midas and such, get a fast eblade and ur set.

                                          doom is also great as you can almost always go midas on him, since enemy teams will never do jack to punish it, use doom whenever its off cd and thats all u really need 2 know.

                                          gl in any case.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            Well I listened to you guys advice, played Weaver, went very well :D

                                            Hex Sigma

                                              i am also in 2k and the coincidence is that i also like supports/utility heroes. Btw guiri is right, if you have the theoreticall knowledge but you suck at execution(like i do) playing in a higher enviroment helps.

                                              To get out of 2k you need to play stompers and/or rats. But try to avoid invis heroes because some ppl will buy detection. Also play your best stomping heroes. For ex ursa can stomp but if you cant play him well ur kinda fucked

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                I would at first stop playing ranked and increase your confidence with a hero that ensures a win. Wins are usually ensured with teamfight/pushing heroes so maybe mix and match a few ranked with a few normal queue MM games.

                                                Miku Plays

                                                  pick lc win duels win games

                                                  Quick maffs


                                                    a lots of necro

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      ^this. 70wr on necro


                                                        100 wr on necro so far, necro is god

                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                          keep this alive i also wanna get out of the abyss

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            but ffs no support necro

                                                            shit doesnt work


                                                              play all heroes 1 time! =)


                                                                Bumping this thread to post my thoughts

                                                                After playing several games after this feedback it seems the consensus was right, in order to win low level pubs, unless you desperately need support it is better to pick high impact heroes who can always contribute to the team. That being said, I still think luck has a big role in lower bracket games, some games you get "tryhards" who really want to win (this is good because it means they mostly know what they need to do to win). On the other hand you can get utter idiots who are completely content to just play "for teh lulz" in ranked and who will happily play the "im not listening to you because reasons" card (although it seems this problem is at all levels of play).

                                                                In my most recent game as of this post, , you can see the MMR range is quite frankly rather big. [Img][/Img]

                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  Its normal, i play with some people with a 3k trashrating and some with 6k rating, it always happens when they party.


                                                                    i didnt even know many sub 2K players existed. i thought they were like bigfoot because they hid from society

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      Play mid every game. If someone else picks mid go jungle. Buy your own obs for rune vision and dust for riki/bh. Pick heroes like slark and ursa that prey on tards and can pretty much win solo with a big enough advantage.


                                                                        @knight of end you can try to improve ur skills by maybe watching pros plays and reading guide.(not insulting u) cuz thats how i learned


                                                                          ^not meaning to sound condescending but I've been there, done that, since ti3 I've been watching loads of pros play and it's helped me immensely


                                                                            if u learned how to farm 5 cs/minute you'd be 3000 MMR, go practice single player and last hit normally


                                                                              i would love to play a couple of games in your bracket with your account.

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!