General Discussion

General DiscussionSharing "Urn of shadows" Good or bad?

Sharing "Urn of shadows" Good or bad? in General Discussion

    So I was thinking, would it be a plausible and neat idea if you could pass the urn of shadows to people? Maybe when you pass it on it loses all charges on it. Just a thought.

    Low Expectations

      You can use the urn on your teammates.


        I know, but I was saying what if a support could get it and pass it off to a pudge who was going to go gank or a carry that was split pushing. Just a small idea, I want a second opinion on.


          Maybe hes thinking about dumping it off on someone else after he has no room is the point.

          I really think it would be interesting to just allow all items to be purchased/sold and given to other teammates.

          @ Hael

          Dude you have been on a losing streak you used to have 50% wtf happened man?


            nah, thats called tangoes


              "I really think it would be interesting to just allow all items to be purchased/sold and given to other teammates. "


                Yes I'm serious! Just thought it would be interesting to try out to see how it would change the dynamics of the game.

                I've been wondering..... (i'm serious) if it is viable for a support hero to buy a bottle for the mid as the mid gets other items, and the support sacrifices buying anything for the first few minutes (granted there was a secondary support that bought courier at minimum) at beginning of the game. Just curious if its viable! IDK... never tried!


                  As one of the veteran players, I remember the days when KotL was pretty much a team sponsor, where he would just farm EVERYTHING and get the carry his items. Those were the dark and brutal days, to say the least.

                  Regarding the bottle - before 6.80 or 6.79 it was possible to buy a bottle with starting gold and some professional teams actually pulled a bottle to their mid, sacrificing all gold. The other support usually gave a stack of tangoes to the first one. Not that it worked out all that well, but it is a viable way to manage team gold.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    People used to give their mid a bottle when they were Chen or Ench, and the guy with bottle would still lose mid in the end.


                      On the topic: pulling an urn to the other player is a bit too powerful IMO, since it gives stats/mana regen. It is a 900g. item that has an impact on attributes and being able to share it is OP.

                      Sharing Ring of Regeneration (875 g. one) is a must for carries at full health. For two reasons:
                      1. Keeping your support at full health so that they can harass more, dive, engage, etc.
                      2. For supports to be able to run around with carry's Ring of Regen screaming: "No, Master Frodo, let me carry it for you" in all-chat.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Urn already gets charges if you're the only one around the kill and it can be used on other players so... it's nearly what you are saying minus the inventory slot.


                          Then make it like you can give it to someone else, but it looses all the attributes BUT the ability to collect charges and heal/damage? So mid/ganker gets it, uses it, needs the slot -> passes to support. Support wont get the stats but can still use it to heal. Its not extra op but still is... Its just sad when pudge sells urn with 8-10 charges still in it and I have a free slot =/

                          ^^ Ahhaha, I want to do it :D


                            I think that urn charges should increase the sell price of the urn by a certain sum per charge, giving a net increase in the amount of gold you get per kill if you don't use the charges. 50 gold per charge sounds reasonable.
                            Sharing urn? Just have the pudge build his own damn urn and get something different yourself, I say. Don't build urn if you are going to be inactive. Build it because you are in every fight.


                              50gold sounds too much. Maybe 20? 25? 5?


                                Yes, want I meant is when you run out of space and you need to sell it. Its still a good item later on into the game and I thought it would be nice to be able to pass it off to a player. Mostly too, cause its not a utility type item, it would kind of like passing bottle to someone. Also, what if you passed it to someone and it muted the item but it could still be used? So no stats and mana regen but it keeps the charges.