General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I'm in 2k trashbracket MMR...

So I'm in 2k trashbracket MMR... in General Discussion
    Our OD had 850 MMR. Their Razor had 600 MMR
    is that even possible
    whats the lowest mmr youve seen lol

    King of Low Prio



        dark seer items
        razor going straight deso

        yes this is possible

        edit: lowest mmr I've seen.....
        Melody's 1,5k

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          lowest mmr ive seen in my games is 3.2k

          King of Low Prio

            dont think Ive seen a MM lower than the trenches of melody


              wasnt there some guy who literally lost everygame on purpose to get 1 mmr?


                who is that guy Lmfaoo


                  yeah there was but i dont even remember is name now he still has it though i think


                    Lowest probably blunt.


                      you indecent nobs,

                      the lowest mmr is mine.MINE.

                      MY PRECIOUSSSS!!!



                        His name was Nomad if I remember right.


                          Screenshot or it didn't happen


                            you do remember right


                              screenshot or never happend


                                Nomad got to 1 MMR. Made a thread on the steam forums, think it was deleted.


                                  a 1,3 k whit 1200 games man flamed me.
                                  ahahhahaah what a player, fucking nab of my life

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    why do i need to screenshot take my word for it lmao


                                      1 mmr though? do you get +40 for losing games at 1 mmr?


                                        "why do i need to screenshot take my word for it"

                                        Because with the latest update it the game gives you the information, in this case the MMR of all players. There's no reason to withhold the information unless you're lying.

                                        "1 mmr though? do you get +40 for losing games at 1 mmr?"

                                        If you are matched up with people who are near your mmr you won't gain many points for it. When >6k pros lose 40 rating it's because they're matched up against 4k players who they're expected to win, hence why they gain 0 or 1 point of MMR when they win. If there were 10 people with 1 MMR matched together, the game would be even.

                                        edit: I wonder what would happen if 10 people with 1 MMR were matched together. The MMR system is a zero-sum system, so gaining MMR requires someone else to lose it, and if you were 1 MMR, your MMR wouldn't be able to lower any further.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          I watch a noob friends games sometimes I got him into dota a couple months ago, hes 700 mmr atm lol, I watched this clinkz farm offlane for 25 mins to rush a divine rapier only to lose it within 30 seconds, it sad at dire ancients for about 15 minutes before clinkz realise to go and get it back. all of them were sub 1k and my mate was raging me that someone with 900 mmr was in his game complaining it was unfair.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!