General Discussion

General Discussion@ support players

@ support players in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    obviously it is look at people like soultrap in the 3k MM

    Quick maffs

      I would say 15 % better at least till 4500

      btw every fucking person in this universe should watch true detective, great show

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      King of Low Prio

        there is always huge leaps in skill when you jump 500 points even more when u start going past 5k


          ^ Holy crap, 61 matches with Mel not counting the ones yet to be recorded?

          Quick maffs

            I dont know how they have so much time


              They don't seem to sleep. I've entered 2 hours by noon and then another 2 hours close to 9 p.m and they are still there. Nothing is going to convince me they took a break in between.

              King of Low Prio

                50% of those where done in one night when I could not fall asleeps lol. It was like 10pm to like 7am........


                  gl getting 30k gold as a "support"


                    Ok, lets take a close look at Sampson's skill.


                    In this game he claims mid as Drow Ranger (FU Pudge). And how he uses his mid position? He buys Midas and farms first 24 minutes. Thats right, after 24 minutes he has 0/0/0 KDA.

                    Ok, now he is most leveled and farmed hero. Time to feed! He dies twice to Ursa claws. Literally throws away all his advantage.

                    At 29 minute he gets his first kill - a Crystal Maiden... wow...

                    And I stopped watching this shit... GG Sampson.


                      sampson is a known case of dunning kruger on dotabuff forums


                        Did pudge or Sampson pick first? If pudge picked first then it was kind of a dick move, but if Sampson picked first then he has every right to call mid

                        King of Low Prio

                          As i stated before I dont change what I am doing to help pub players increase their MM. If I am working on my farming abilities I will farm. If I was under the effects of DK effect I would not be the person advocating that MM is working perfectly fine because I would believe that I am much higher skilled that what the system gave me. If you want to talk about DK effect you might want to actually understand how it works kid.

                          King of Low Prio

                            and yes I picked first pudge picked last after the match alrdy started and we had a PL in the safe lane, there was no way I was going to offlane drow, so I told him he can suck a bag of dicks


                              loling hard


                                You can work on your farming skills in bots match.
                                You can work on your farming skills in normal matchmaking.
                                You can work on your farming skills in safe lane.

                                Mid position is not about farming first 24 minutes with 0/0/0 KDA. Your teammates expected you to do something. If you not ganking, not controlling runes, you can harass Invoker at very least. Seriously...

                                P.S. And first pick Drow is something you should not do. Probably they picked Ursa just to counter you.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                  King of Low Prio

                                    ROFL ursa does not counter drow at wonder you are in the trenches soultrap. Even before the drows silence change it was still in drows favor now its not even close

                                    Normal MM is horrible I feel like the skill lv drops 1k MM

                                    PL called safe lane after I called mid as drow

                                    No shit drow first pick is a bad idea, I do it because I want to be counter picked and work on my gameplay when it is the hardest point not have a easy boring match.

                                    You can continue to run drow as a support I will run drown my own way :)


                                      Actually any melee hero with blink dagger (or Shadow Blade sometimes) is a counter to Drow. This is why this hero is so unpopular in pro scene.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        drow has seen alot of attention in the pro scene recently but I would not expect anyone as out of pro meta as you to see this since you are still in the support drow phase :P

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          back on topic, these are the kind of supports that you dont want in your match



                                            what a retard player, you should quit dota2 go play lol


                                              ^^ Mind = blown

