General Discussion

General DiscussionDotaROOT is looking for more players

DotaROOT is looking for more players in General Discussion

    [size=+20]What we are looking for:[/size]

    • Players with any MMR
    • Any role specializations
    • English-speaking
    • Playing on any servers

    [size=+20]About us:[/size]

    • We are a community of Dota2 try-hards, we play to win
    • We focus on forming stacks that [u]exploit winning strategies[/u] and generally taking the game more seriously than our opponents
    • We also teach solo queue strategies that turn our solo queuers into killing machines (If they're willing to learn)
    • Our goal is to help every member attain very high skill, no matter his/her current skill level
    • We have multiple members as well as coaches on leaderboards, willing to provide expert help for nothing more than kudos
    • We are also an emerging forum-based community with very laidback moderation

    We are distinguished by our "tryhard" philosophy. The "tryhard" insult pleases us, in fact; we only see either winners or losers. Let others give themselves the excuse to fail - more gold for us!

    Winning is fun, and it's what we're for. DotaROOT is essentially an elect community focused on winning.

    "Elect" doesn't necessarily mean "very high-skill." While it is our end goal for every member to attain very high skill, we are elect because every member tries hard. We exploit winning strategies, actively try to improve with every game, and generally take the game more seriously than our opponents. This makes us win, and winning is fun.

    Our forum is at its very early stages in terms of both community and programming, but we are determined to make it a future home of something quite cool. At first, we won't have enough members to form many stacks, but if you share our philosophy, join us! We want you! It's going to get really fun pretty soon.

    Upcoming planned features include tournaments with real prize pools and streamer promotions. Join us on our journey to global ownage!

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    თემა შეიცვალა

      Bump for boobs. Also, what is elo-hell?


        Stop deleting comments and editing one word at the time, it won't make your thread more visible. Wait a bit.


          @Jussi it is the realm in which we dota mortals reside...also congrats on the 70%


            @I like to support, fuck me... I was trying to make the dotted lists work, my bad.


              Don't be, i didn't had a wrong intentions. But if you do that every minute or so, people will just see it and won't bother looking at the thread again. Anyway, gl with finding players :). Might give it a shot


                Thanks for the tip! And thanks, finding the first few players is really hard, since they're coming into a place that's just starting and is almost empty for now. Takes a few highly ususual and optimistic players to start things off. ^_^



                  COYOTE CÓSMICO



                      signed up! Hoping to raise my scrub MMR while me and my friends still delaying on forming our team.


                        If you sign up with your ID and Pass, you will lose all your item!!! Be Careful!!!


                          @IU_Uaena We have our own phpBB forum. It doesn't pretend to be Steam. -.-


                            bumpu to the topu


                              "If you sign up with your ID and Pass, you will lose all your item!!! Be Careful!!!"

                              Look at this court jester


                                Are you a wizard?


                                  I'm a WHOT

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    no one gonna join if u don't have minimum requirements. like at least 49% winrate.. Or at least 2 tier clan.. One with at least 2500 mmr and another with 4000 mmr. Less than 5% abandonment etc...


                                      Minimum requirements would make sense if we were a competetive team. Our goal isn't to win anything though (at least for now), so it doesn't matter how good we are collectively, relative to the rest of the Dota world.

                                      Our goal is to help anyone who wants to tryhard get better, no matter their initial skill tier. We would hate to reject someone with potential (and the desire to get better) just because their MMR is lower than some threshold; maybe they just couldn't find a place to improve? A team and some guidance would be exactly what they need. :)

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        tryhard, not competetive, goal isn't to win

                                        about us:
                                        -> We play to win

                                        you seem confused


                                          The context is different. They don't have a goal to win anything competitive but they do their best in the matches they play, hence "We play to win".


                                            @jussi Thank you for clarifying; that is exactly what I meant. ^_^


                                              like the site, like the forum so farm.

                                              Dislike the "rosh pit" and dislike putting "" in players names. I get wanting to get the message, but some like "ROOT.Name" seems more appropriate.


                                                @Concede Thank you for the compliments! I was the one working on the forum so it means a lot to me. ^_^

                                                Some members questioned the Rosh Pit too, so we set up a poll and most voted for removing the sub-forum, and so we did remove it.

                                                It's not required that any of our members put the full domain name "" in their names (or change their names at all, for that matter). I personally do it because I love this project and I want to promote it just a little bit more (we're not so popular yet that anyone would know how to find the home of someone like ROOT.mxFrei). Something like ROOT.mxFrei does seem more stylish though, I agree.

                                                Some of the most dedicated members chose to support us by adding the full domain name to their names, but that's totally up to them. They personally gain nothing from it, other than making their new team a little more popular each time they pwn/post.


                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    get on ma drow lv

                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                      "a little more popular each time they pwn/post."

                                                      Until a bad game or few happens, and they feed uncontrollably, then you receive feedback on your website about how X player is shit. People rarely remember the good things, but they always remember the bad.



                                                        Which is why I'm holding off on the name change until legitimate stacks are going :D

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          I mean it might not bring site traffic at all. It's all just speculation. As for me with a DB tag, I could feed senselessly, it wouldn't matter because it's just stats.


                                                            Don't feed, problem solved.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              well Im fucked then


                                                                Losing a game and feeding are 2 different worlds. ^^


                                                                  Just to be on the safe side (:


                                                                    not for sampson


                                                                      still got space left?


                                                                        Too much space created!


                                                                          What if you're in elo heaven


                                                                            Then you have nothing to worry about. :)


                                                                              so yes or no? lol


                                                                                There's always space :)


                                                                                  What do you actually offer right now? Some private guides, lobby games, parties? Cute Drow pictures? I don't understand.


                                                                                    All of the above.


                                                                                      PLEASE HELP ME GET OUT OF ELO HELL


                                                                                        HOW DO I JOIN THIS GROUP


                                                                                          Most people apply on our forums. ^_^

                                                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                            If people asked me personally I'd have no qualms about advertising for other websites but AVIDTY ALWAYS IGNORES MY PMS

                                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                              how to join?


                                                                                                Avidity is always AFK, have mercy Melody!

                                                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                                                  this guild is racist....

                                                                                                  • Playing on any US, EU, or Asian servers

                                                                                                  wheres my aussie server TT.TT


                                                                                                    Aussie servers too hard to cater to :/


                                                                                                      @Hatsune Miku, oh crap, I forgot to edit that. :D

                                                                                                      I've edited the original earlier, but forgot some of the posts. My bad.

                                                                                                      We actually accept people from all over the world, and we have a couple of Australian members already. ^_^

                                                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                                                        hey what is statiC 's steam username so i can add him and join the guild?

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!