General Discussion

General DiscussionEul's Sceptre on Storm Spirit

Eul's Sceptre on Storm Spirit in General Discussion

    I don't play Storm Spirit at all, so I have no firsthand experience with item effectiveness on him, but why does hardly anyone (both in pubs and competitively) build a Eul's Sceptre on him? It gives the same % mana regeneration as a Scythe, but less Intelligence (meaning ult is cheaper to use and for longer). It costs the same as a Mystic Staff but is more useful than just 25 straight Intelligence. Obviously the active is a lot less useful than that of a Scythe but the +40 movespeed helps with your mobility, considering Storm's poor movespeed without ult. Although i don't think it should in any way be considered a replacement for hex, does the relatively easy build up of eul's make it worth it to pick up as an early item?

    Ples Mercy

      Because you dont want to delay your orchid, sheep or bloodstone bcause of a stupid euls and also save the slot for tps or something else which is more useful.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        guess thats why then


          Because there are better items, that's the only reason.


            Eul's is actually good. Go for it.


              Ult is cheaper to use in terms of mana, but the percentage of your mana pool it costs is the same. So with a Scythe or a Euls, you'd travel the same distance if you had the same amount of % mana regen


                ^exactly, the only difference is that sheep stick gives more general stats and the hex active


                  With Eul's you can purge some debuffs or protect yourself from spells. For example it is good pickup against Phoenix, I think.


                    He said "ult is cheaper to use and for longer".

                    Which is incorrect. Also Storm is more than just mobility, he needs damage. No point having all the mobility in the world if you can't get kills with it.

                    2 Oblivion Staffs would cost 3350 gold, provide more int, more damage, more attack speed and equal mana regen as well build into a more useful item, Orchid. Extra int early on helps Storm because a larger mana pool means that Remnant and Vortex use up a smaller percentage of his mana pool so he can use more on Ball Lightning.


                      ^ yeah thats right, i forgot that ulti used % in use too (derp)


                        Wait, can anyone explain me how does his ulti even work? If he has lower mana poll ( but good regen, he can use ulti for more times)? I really don't get it #dumbasfuck


                          using your ulti costs % of your mana. If you have 1000 mana and ulti costs 5% per second, it would cost 50 mana per second, but if you have 10000 mana, it will cost 500 mana per second. Overall, having more mana is better because then your other 2 spells cost less of your overall mana (using a spell that costs 100 mana is 10% of your whole pool if you have 1000 mana, but only 1% of your pool if you have 10000 mana) so you have a higher % of your pool left for ulti.

                          Also you wont get much mana regen if you dont have a lot of int. if you have 1 int and +50000% mana regen, it wont give you anything, but if you have 300 int and get +100% mana regen, its a lot, so getting all mana regen and not int is bad. Sheep and orchid gives you both, which is why its perfect.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Ah, so that is the reason. Thank you bro :)


                              When I started to think about it, Storm Spirit can skip boots and just grab Eul's instead, movement speed will be about the same.


                                500 or 2700 ? :O


                                  euls is verry situational for it only if needed for team. Its not bad item , but not good either.You dont want to be put in the situation to sell it to buy another


                                    what i think right now would be great vs invoker(that motherfuker so strong vs storm now) to dodge the combo maybe? (tornado+ emp)


                                      You might be able to shift queue ball lightning while you are cycloned from tornado, and while moving in ball lightning, you're invulnerable, so you wouldn't be hit by EMP.

                                      Or you could just get a BKB that would work against tornado + emp, and all of his other spells e.g. meatball, cold snap, deafening blast.


                                        yea, for a second i forgot about bkb. well at least eul's cheaper if enemy team has no cc's. You cant really dodge that if he coldsnaps u instantly.. Ulti still have sort of a casting time so u will get hit, specially if he has an ally with him or something.

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