General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA detox

Dota 2 API დროებით მიუწვდომელია. მატჩის შედეგები გამოჩნდება Dota 2 API-ს აღდგენისას.
DotA detox in General Discussion

    So ill be starting my studies soon so i need to get dota out of my system. Any tips?

    Sup m8

      There are no tips. You might as well kill yourself.


        There is no way, to stop something you like to do (dota 2) with something you dont like to do (studying), it is just the way we are made. You can lower dota 2 play time, but to stop it , "detox" there is no way.


          there is no way out


            get a friends\, get a hobby, "put a what have i to do list everyday" in front of ur wall, if it still fail or u cant do it. Delete dota2.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            Vanity  ツ

              With good time management and no friends, you can do both studying and dota 2 gaming


                Pretty good tips guys.


                  Get friends on steam that will actually help you and tell you to stop playing if and when you do.

                  Uninstall dota (hopefully your internet is as shit as mine)


                    Sell your PC/laptop and buy something that can open websites and that's all. You will not be able to play Dota 2 because of PC and will get some $$$ to spend in BAR


                      ^i got trash can , and really low pc, but i play dota 2, even with graphics, that are similar to mario


                        stop playing and watch competitive.


                          +1 ^
                          is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


                            first get a hobby that isnt as time-consuming for example wheneve u want to play dota go watch a movie then go study, or limit ur play time to 1-2 h a day at nght (thats what i do when im not on vacations))


                              an hero


                                Those tips didnt help me, im still here, it took me just a week to come back.


                                  My tip for you, uninstall dota, go to gym, meet people, thats what worked for me, at least a week.

                                  Jorges Sanz

                                    uninstall and go cold turkey its painful but it'll work if you really want to stop playing

                                    Alternatively, i think its possible to use the host file on windows to block connection to steam server

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I can have a gf get good grades and hang out with friends while playing dota........................................shocking.....

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        While competing for one of my universities teams

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          people need to get some time management skills


                                            Is she hot though? I basically gave up dota recently (on my main acc too, this is old school retard acc for when drunk or playing with retards) for a hot girl. So worth it.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I would not be with someone who forces me to give up the things I enjoy. Maybe I am not that desperate


                                                So far so good on advices guys thanks.


                                                  Haha? I didn't say I gave it up because she wanted to. I gave it up because I wanted to. Playing DotA (unless you're exceptionally good) is a bit of a waste of life in the long run.
                                                  My question was only a bit of jokey banter but if you're gonna go ahead and call me desperate I'll assume she's fuck ugly.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    quitting dota is something I tried many times and never succeed. I deleted my warcraft 3 and it installed itself back the next day.


                                                      I found this trick that works, uninstall not only dota but also steam. It is crucial that you must uninstall steam for this to work. Take your left hand rub your crotch twice, walla


                                                        For real, its not easy. uninstall is obvious, but you need to stay away from this site. and other dota sites... Delete\hide friends from steam that play dota, tell any RL friends that play to not talk about it near you develop a taste in sports or something to aid you

                                                        Woof Woof

                                                          if u dont make money through internet or keep important e friendships sell your pc/notebook or send it your brother/parents and use libraries when u need to get some info from net unles u study some computer related field then i would recommend getting all important data on hard drive and cut/ get rid of internet

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          Retard Security Detail

                                                            play only solo ranked que, after that the bad taste should keep you away for awhile.


                                                              ive uninstalled several times and well... guess what installed again so the only shit i can recommend is getting shitty internet :D!
                                                              remember when i had shitty internet and i didnt even get close to the pc....much less dota

                                                              good connection and bad graphics?? fml i still play dota at mario level like the other guy :D


                                                                u already embarrased yourself by posting this brainfart, so go out and proof us all wrong (and yourself) that you can perfectly do it.

                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                  Being a med student, I know the pain :( The only way to "show yourself" you are dedicated to your studies is to get away from your computer aka go to a library and get away from your computer. In general sence if I can stay off dota for 36h its downhill from there.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    "Playing DotA (unless you're exceptionally good) is a bit of a waste of life in the long run."

                                                                    It is dude, and this is true for every computer game, some people dont accept this but i dont see how wasting time in front of a computer screen can be something good on the long run.

                                                                    Oh well, i guess one day i will just get tired of playing dota and i will probably quit playing for a long time.

                                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                      Currently playing minecraft. I hear this is just as addicting... And I play starcraft and doto. + Full time job? Learn time management.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        " Learn time management. "

                                                                        Its not about time management guys, its about the things you could be doing to improve yourself, or to learn stuff instead of spent time playing.

                                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                          I have a job and raise my 3 year old. I have all the excitement I need in life from her and she's a handful at that.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Well then good for you bro :)

                                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                              Ouch the sarcasm, I mean't it no where near such as a form of bragging. I no life it up as much as the next neckbeard here on dota and forums. What I was getting at is that if you manage your time and set dates for times at, such as Here at 10-10:30 I need to get abby out of bed if she's not out sooner. Which then I'll get off forums and minecraft and make breakfast for her, give her the nabi (Tablet like machine for kids and learning) and let her watch spongebob for a while or something.

                                                                              If you just errr step away from the computer, things get better. Just take your fingers off the mouse and your hand off your dick, and go do something productive. Check the mail, walk the dog. Something. Just taking your hands off the electronics is the first part. Again, learning time management is a key part "Leaving doto".


                                                                                Don't be jelly mortal, Yunos are naturally good when it comes to time management.

                                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                  AVIDITY DON'T TELL HIM WE'RE IMMORTAL

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    Dude i was not being sarcastic, what i am saying is that things that works for some doesnt work for everyone, maybe you can do all that things with time management, but the reason the guy is asking for tips to leave the game is because he knows that he just cant study and play at the same time, even with time management. Tme management cant solve everything, its like saying that you can drink and still have a normal life, yes YOU can, but some people that had alcoholism cant drink even once again or they are fucked. Again, it works for you, it doesnt work for everyone.


                                                                                      "i need to get dota out of my system"
                                                                                      Now it's time to listen to people who tell you to uninstall when you played bad.

                                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                        Yfay, for you.

                                                                                        Not giving you any ideas or anything buttt...

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                          Im gonna hurt somebody, ''The time you spend on DotA could be used for your success''.

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I would own Sony if I wasnt playing dota, GOD DAMNIT VALVE

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              ^You could own valve so you could be playing dota by now AND making profit from it.


                                                                                                i could stare at that gif the whole day
                                                                                                This is the evilest thing that anyone could ever done to me

                                                                                                PS: thx


                                                                                                  " Learn time management. "

                                                                                                  Its not about time management guys, its about the things you could be doing to improve yourself, or to learn stuff instead of spent time playing.

                                                                                                  Absolutely. Until you realise this, and that we only have one life... why waste it on DotA (where it may be a fun way to pass the time - although the amount that people rage suggests it's more stressful than fun).

                                                                                                  As for Melody, playing Doto starcraft and minecraft does not make you impressive or something to be admired for your time management skills, if anything it's exactly the opposite as to what is being requested. But whatever, if you're happy do what you want but to me that says that your social life exists in pixels only (and actually seeing your posts, your gifs, your picture, I struggle to comprehend anything else)

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    I want to see what you consider 'improving' yourself. I love going to the pub and drink with friends and I would not change it at all but I really do not consider it 'improving' myself. As you said yourself you only have one life and people enjoy their life differently. Some people enjoy skydiving others enjoy watching a movie with someone special. Each one is different but to each person that is the life they want.

                                                                                                    It is about time management whether you want to accept that fact or not


                                                                                                      I'm not denying that at all, and I'm not denying that everyone has the right to do what they want. But OP was asking what methods people have used to get away from DotA and Melody was bragging about how he can time manage between 3 games. That's not a response to the question. My suggestion of considering taking up an activity to better your own life on the other hand is a bit more relevant. Personally, 4 months ago (when I was completely addicted to DotA and wanted to quit) I moved countries. This forced me to learn a new language from scratch (which I am now almost fluent in) take up a new career (teaching) and broaden my horizons culturally. If I return home I will have acquired skills that can only really better my life. Not improved my mouse reaction times through playing more DotA.

                                                                                                      I mean if all you're doing is doting it's like you're just doting to pass the time, and if all you're doing is passing the time then what's the point in life? maybe that's deep and possibly offensive but whatever I don't think many people are here to make friends.

                                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                                        When you do a sport you do improve yourself, when you read a book you do improve youself.

                                                                                                        Playing a video-game is a fun activity and everyone does whatever they want, but its not a activity that will help you in the long run, its not something that will make you better.

                                                                                                        Like you are saying sampson drinking is another example, there is no problem in drinking sometimes, but its not something that will help you either.

                                                                                                        Plus you guys are thinking that everyone is the same, that everyone has the same problems, some people cant play a game and do other kind of stuffs at the same time, not because of time management but because they have other kind of problems. As i said before maybe you can drink and still have a normal life, but some people cant.

                                                                                                        "I mean if all you're doing is doting it's like you're just doting to pass the time, and if all you're doing is passing the time then what's the point in life? "
