General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly game Whiners/crybaby teammates

Early game Whiners/crybaby teammates in General Discussion

    This is in Pubs....

    I don't know about you guys but whiners/crying teammates who see the score 2-0 (early in the game) really kills my mood in the game and I am 90% to lose those matches.

    I really hate the ones that whine through the microphone, it really kills the mood/motivation of the team. They say things like "gg ff fast" or "mid feed gg" or whine about some other player. They say these things 5 minutes early into the game. Just ranting but you get these sort of scrubs in your team? the pansy ones that give up early and make other team members also want to give up through their annoying crying (microphone). More annoying than Russians, at least Russians i can't understand them.

    Quick maffs

      Once i almost heard a guy crying on his mic, i mean literally crying.


        I don't get such people a lot, it happens every now and then though. I usually go in "gg" mood when their kills advantage surpasses 15 kills difference.

        And yes, I do agree that such guys are beyond annoying and are killing your mood for winning.

        Edit: LOL, Dorkly!

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Thats a good one Dorkly,

          never heard that one before but if i do i would feed on purpose to feed the crying lmao.


            This is why i mute every1 as soon as i enter game because 90% of pubs cry wen 1 death happens or over every little thing and not only does it kill my mood and ruin my focus but i often find myself reacting instead of paying attention lol so easier to just mute.


              never meet people like that in my ranked match.


                flame 4 fame


                  from my experience peruvians will start typing gg and go afk jungle mode as soon as things dont go theor way

                  Manny Mammoth

                    My last game the eartshaker kep saying gg etc because of the feeding mid dual lane of tiny cent
                    I told him to stop being a bitch and 35minutes later we win :D


                      I played a game some days ago when phoenix + veno dived my cm twice in the first 2 minutes, so our juggernut said gg and abondond asap... ~hour later we won the game, I mean, the other 3 guys, couse I was literally useless left alone in my lane for a while, only thing I did was buying wards/detection all game, but my team was so nice they actually continued playing 3.5v5 and won. Rare to see this in my low mmr bracket. These games makes me not quit this game :D They didnt even flame me at all, and if I remember well they were a stack...

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Yes... my god I hate it.

                        I tried taking 1 cs with venomancer to get some gold for wards, and Viper (ally) tp's bot and takes all the cs from me while saying, "? veno carry?"

                        No. I am not carry. I was just trying to take 1 simple creep you tard.

                        Anyhow, I hate people who extrapolate and exaggerate AKA those early game whiners. I'll play normally until they do something that I can point to and say, "I am no longer required to help him/her due to lack of trust/co-operation".

                        Woof Woof

                          it depends i think its understandable when u are mid with hero that needs a lot of levels or farm to do something while your teammates just feed both lanes before 3min mark its really demotivating and places tons of pressure on mid

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            u dont just get a creep, u ping THE CREEP U WANT, then u take it


                              ... He Tp'd bot while I was hitting the creep and didn't let me CS a single one while being a drama queen.

                              So no, I won't ping the one I was hitting before he got there. That's actually never happened to me. Don't see the point in being overly courteous to a group of people who have the attention span of a child.

                              If some support wants a couple creep kills but I see him denying, I'll let him take some.

                              FZ 1 N

                                Hm, short answer: Don't pay much attention, mute them if they are too aggressive or tell them you still have a chance but you all should work as a team in order to win.

                                In my last 5 games (as meepo) I had at least one guy on my team crying, threatening, asking for reports and yet I showed them what can be accomplished with a team work.

                                Also had a game (was playing Void), and we got stomped, I was doing all I could but my team didn't used the 3-5 sec window they had when I used Chrono (and I was landing a 2-3 man chronos). We were about to give up but I decided to try to talk to them in a friendly manner. My team heroes were Void (me), DP, Jakiro, Invoker and Silencer against really fed Naix, Alch, Ogre, Mirana and Kotl. I told my team that we still had a chance of winning and they could do so much damage while my ultimate is active and a bit more information and suddenly we were playing as a well coordinated 5 man killing machine. I asked for a wards on radiance jungle cliff and waited for our enemies to push, we had vision, we were prepared, I landed a good Chrono, Dp ulties, jakiro ulties, invoker meteored and so on, we managed to kill them (can be said "team wipe" them) 2-3 times and they decided to split push, we killed them once more, Naix was the main priority along with Alch, then we had the window to push and hell yeah, we won! We all made mistakes but instead of screaming and blaming each other, we worked together and we pulled it out.

                                So my point is: it might be frustrating and people could start crying early on but try your best to make it up, Dota is a team game, one mistake can cost you the game, also can win you the game, so instead of being dicks and crybabies, try to work it out with your teammates, it might not work all the time but most of the time it will. If you have one crybaby early on, don't become the second one!

                                Good luck to all of you and have fun. :)


                                  Just found a match
                                  enemy picks OM,Alch
                                  captain pick ss,CM
                                  captain picks PA (wat)
                                  enemy picks viper
                                  Russian guy says pick pudge and captain does
                                  enemy picks weaver
                                  captain says "need carry" picks bh
                                  Enemy picks ursa

                                  Ursa goes mid kills pudge 3 times in 2 minutes
                                  complains no wards (wards were on cd)

                                  at 10 min game is 4-10
                                  PA misses ever last hit
                                  BH is building bfury
                                  I open console and type disconnect after adding all 4 of them to my ignore list
                                  5 matches in bots is better than that shit
                                  besides i wont get matched with them ever again


                                    meet them every game considering i mostly play cd/cm.
                                    amount of whiners there is at least x2 than in ap games.

                                    and yes, most of them (99%) are still in fucking development phase, i.e preteen years.


                                      1k mmr on CM... wow, just Wo0oOw

                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                        sometimes people say it because someone is playing stupid and it isnt a games over, but more gg because if they keep playing like that its going to snowball.


                                          fk this shit is annoying, had another day full of those whiny fukers on microphone. 1 guy was moaning and sighing cause the game wasn't going his way early on.


                                            They cry because not everyone plays dota just to waste 30-40 mins and doesent give a damn shit if they win or lose.. Some people see dota as a competitive game and when some russians or not even russians in my team tend to throw the game i made a 10-0 score in it tends to be frustrating.. And also the fact that dota makes everyone have 50% win rate and im usualy matched up with players who are below rating then me and dont give a shit if they win or lose.. try winning that game ;)

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!