General Discussion

General DiscussionWelcome to Dotabuff (How to forum: An Official Melody Guide)Ver. 1.5

Welcome to Dotabuff (How to forum: An Official Melody Guide)Ver. 1.5 in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    when is HǣL making his account buying guide?


      Whenever I finish my "How to have fun in AD, the true secrets of retarded joy" guide. :D


        gratz on the 1st sticky post in dbuff

        Miku Plays

          nice this thread is now very sticky

          Jay Ashborne

            I still have a few minor edits to make~ Should be finished soonish


              It got stickied only cause it took awhile to put a lot of monkey guides together in one thread. Its not like it got sticky cause it was severely informative. It makes the mods seem not to bright if they sticky this. But then again, I think its a nice gesture because of the time wasted to make it. I think this thing belongs in dotafire.

              bum farto

                Very few people can actually be bothered to go on dotafire and there is no actual indication if the person knows or is effectively educated in their understanding of a hero.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  this thread is godly


                    Dotafire is not the best place to look when you're trying to learn a hero... I mean, there are 3 Tinker guides, and the most voted guide is this one in which the author doesn't even mention March build, says Euls and Orchid are "good for permadisable", Forcestaff and BKB are core and Dagger is "late game situational"

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Not bad stuff, kind of self explanatory stuff tho!!


                        Does this website have a Dotabuff forum Guild?
                        If not it should. An in game chat and a way for forum regulars to easily party up and flame each other even more would be useful would it not?


                          That is actually a very good idea. Will get to it some time this week. Still waiting to get connected to the internet through something more reliable than a 3G modem(

                          King of Low Prio

                            I like flaming people.....

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              So when is the voting actually gonna start?

                              King of Low Prio

                                "Now, about the voting process. After some feedback from the guide-writers we have decided to make a staff-only vote this time - our Facebook and VK are too small at the moment, to make the Friends Effect negligible - I will try my best to solve this issue in the nearest future, to make the voting process more interesting.

                                We will try our best to be as impartial and unbiased as we can be during the voting process."

                                -Fancy Socks


                                  My slark and meepo kdas are below 3.5. Oh no I'm not acceptable in this community D:<


                                    so i click ctrl + f type in my name and see there is nothing about me ?

                                    dafuq is this noob thread

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Soz. :(


                                        so i clicked ctrl+f and didnt find anything about me either. qq
                                        but its okay. play hearthstone

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          heartstone sucks

                                          too much rng based , too much pay 2 win

                                          Jay Ashborne

                                            Agreed ^


                                              Yeah I enjoyed hearthstone for the first few days but the P2W is to stronk.
                                              I dont mind paying a bit but you would have to pay $40ish to get going then consistently pay more and more to keep a competitive deck.
                                              The fact that you cant trade cards is the deal breaker.



                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  I dont think anyone voted for this. Making a forum to intro the forums is cute, but making guides from people with no real actual input is just plain pretentious. Shame on you dotabuff, I thought you were cool.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    ^ sooooo pist

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      I am cool. You're just mad you were forced to take a "week vacation" lol.


                                                        I wasn't forced to take a "week anything". I'm just disappointed in seeing all these over zealous dotacinema, joindota, dotabuff infatuated fans thats try way too hard to give to the community that is not in need in what they are trying to give. Its such a sloppy, casual, and inconsiderate way of giving back to the community and its not even high profile or valuable. Its just random dota fodder. I hope you try to do something more informative and tasteful next time you try to do something like this. Liking anime and being nice to a moderator is not a authentic way to get what you want. So with all due respect, find a non bias way to do this.

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I can feel the anger coming from this mans posts. Are your parents beating you?


                                                            even your replies to something serious seem pretentious and not well thought out.


                                                              ^ That's pretentious


                                                                ^ Just like a lot of things in the world. But making a guide other other guides, thinking you know everything about a certain hero and always posting comments about overly self righteous opinions of things that can actually be measured. I think that sort of pretentiousness takes the cake. I'm merely asking for actual hard evidence. Rather than a bunch of dotabuff forum favoritism say-so.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  HAHAHA yea everyone hates you because of your superior intellect. I bet you tell yourself that in the mirror before you go off to school.

                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                    Hael you're retarded. Socks muted you for a week for the autism comment on the blog post. No please stop posting on this thread. You're nothing but a negative influence on this thread and I would rather if you stopped shit posting on it. Thanks.


                                                                      melody is ded
                                                                      last online 1 day ago

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        I think me yelling at him for better wards made him finally snap

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          well now that hes ded and gone. LF new person to play support for me in pubs


                                                                            worst sticky ive ever damn seen


                                                                              best sticky ive ever damn seen


                                                                                Stickiest best I've damn seen ever


                                                                                  Hi, I've kept working on my wisp guide as you (staff in general) suggested because it was ugly as hell, but I have a little question. I've inserted some images but I don't know how to resize them. The title image is too small and the skills/heroes/items are too big. Do I have to make myself an image for every one I want to include or is there a way to resize any image? For most of them I just went on your hero pages and copied the url. Thx for your help.

                                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                                    I resize via PS or something, rehost to imgur, then post new link.


                                                                                      Wow, maybe teaching monkeys how to forum was not the best idea. The population of scrubs and assholes has been higher than ever lately!


                                                                                        By the way i'dd like to make a little suggestion for the website. The guide competition was a great idea and now we got a lot of good guides on many heroes. It could be nice to have a special page for the guides instead of the forums. There could also be a link for the top guides of a hero in the hero page. To get the top guides, I guess implementing a thumbs up/down function could work. This could also encourage some people to write guides for the heroes that don't already have one to get some visibility.

                                                                                          კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                                                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                                              [.Color= #ffa500] Why ?!? [/color.]

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                remove the dots.


                                                                                                  [Color= #ffa500] Why ?!? [/color]