General Discussion

General Discussionso what now?

so what now? in General Discussion

    Today i played solo q and matched with russians. They were flaming eachother since the picktime. i got bored after 20min and told them "stfu idiot russians stop flaming eachother focuss on the fuckin game" their answer was "raport stupid americano kiddo cyka blyat hachachacah" afted dat muted them, lost the game and the feeling to play dota, but i started a new game where i saw i got in game showed 4000+ hours mute, something like 4026hours but in main menu if i try to write something to any channel it shows only 24hours.

    my question is which one is the real? srsly i got 4000+hours mute for flamers or only 1day?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      I suggest moving a lot of cruise missile carriers to within strike distance of the Russian mainland and then posturing like you WILL USE THEM.

      Start a second Cuban missile crisis and go from there. Good luck and have fun.


        Nazi here, Nazi there, Nazi simply everywhere.


          One week is the max, if you are muted after that, contact steam support, its a bug.

          Have a cow

            just past them this "igrayte raki, vsy igru zasrali"


              I am a complete dick and I have never been muted. Stop acting like a fucking 12 year old plz


                Yeah it sucks but its the price everyone plays when entering the solo Q. I had a very short game teamed with a 4 man Russian stack. They fed 24 kills only getting 1 before leaving. Just gotta move on


                  im not acting. just wondered is it possible i got 4000hours mute or dat just some kind of bug and someone already got it.
                  but launched dota2 after few hours and in chat channels showed only 22hours.
                  so prolly got only 1day mute :)

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!