General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 hacks

Dota 2 hacks in General Discussion

    There is a website which sells a working undetected hack for dota 2 that shows on minimap where enemy is even with fog(good luck ganking them or juking them) shows illusions(this counters alot of heroes) and shows ally/enemy hp at all time shows mana and ult CD too ............. and the page has like 1 million views >.< does this make u wonder if ur playing with hackers. ( I dont want to share the website as it would be free advertisement for them) it also says in theres notes that there close to finishing a hack that forces crit/bash and auto last hit...... wtf wtf wtf D:


      No HAX bro. Viewers Can be always " Virtual " DONT TRY SHIT... valve servers host games not ur pc.. u cant inject anything in dota 2 exe without beeing seen by valve... thats why i quited Dota 1 Cause there was 80% maphack in games

      one and half gun

        VAC detects anything, people tried this in CS as well and people would get vac banned for small things like changing the cursor symbol with third party tools


          Mana, ult cd and illusions are all things you can see with abit of effort, it's no surprise that those are made more easily assessable through "hacks".

          The only actual "hack" I found through a google search was one which lets you see where the enemies' cameras are pointing at.


            100% sure this works theres real games on youtube and stuff and people reviewing it and shit and like 200 people crying on forum the other day that it wasnt working because of patch
            then he updated it and every1 like wooo hoooo and uploading lots of pics u telling me some guy sits there 24/7 pretending to be thousands of diff people :P? its also a legitimate hack website selling like 40 different hacks not just some random scam site selling 1 dota 2 hack lol

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            one and half gun

              bullshit u dont run from VAC


                VAC = useless lol go watch a stream on twitch of Dayz SA or something :D and see 100000000000000000 hackers in like 10 mins

                one and half gun

                  rofl u have no idea what vac is do you buddy, dayz is hosted by players themselves not by valve


                    Dayz SA IS VAC enabled and Battle eye enabled "Buddy" and has been since released on steam a few months ago i believe ur thinking of Dayz MOD not SA

                    one and half gun

                      oh right dayz is now on steam too

                      Woof Woof

                        there are tons of priv bots to games protected by vac ofc only public bots get detected

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Exactly what i said in the beggining... Games are hosted in Valve's Servers... NOT in your Private Hostbot/Pc
                          VAC = THE BIG EYE... just delete this " hack thing" from ur mind


                            so please tell me why they added VAC then? since valve is so amazing and host there own servers lol ? just because the games r server sided doesnt mean its impossible just makes it more guys r so close minded


                              awesome will check it out!

                              Сука Spirit

                                Link please I'd love to use it


                                  VAC is pretty weak and easily bypassed. The only effective way to prevent this kind of cheating is to not broadcast the information to the clients. That makes the server much more complex though and means it has to do fog of war calculations for all clients etc.


                                    how much does it cost?


                                      I think this kind of hacks might work on local games (Local lobbies), but not on matchmaking.


                                        bitch pls, there is no hack, fuck off with the bullshit now ty


                                          Did someone ask for a link:

                                          Haven't watched it and no idea if not real but easy to find...

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            Why would everyone play with maphack? It`s a shame and un-naturaly dota, I remember days when I tryed to use maphack for wc3 and was fucking disaster I played 2x worse cus was just wondering about un-naturaly moves and to not be baned so basicly maphack it`s a bullshit.


                                              It sure asks for survey or something, so it is sure fake. As Grimorum said, there is no way , you can hack Dota 2, w/o messing with the servers which are on steam side, not imposible, but near it.

                                              P.S. Why the fuck you want hacks for dota2?


                                                i had the same experience as bogi with mh xD
                                                but i used it only once


                                                  Can you or he explain how the hack works?
                                                  Because for the hack to work, you have to literally get the access of the server because the server doesn't send you any information about the enemy team. And the way you are describing the hack is that it modifies client values.
                                                  About the cooldown and stuff, i bet it can only track it if the skill was casted in front of you as to it created a cooldown timer of the skill for you.
                                                  About enemy hero on minimap, it probably shows the last known location or some shit.
                                                  And if you believe someone can hack valve's server without them noticing, then you're obviously a retard.

                                                  TLDR: You can only hack the client with an add on program and not the server.So there's no mini map hack.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    its just a video, dont trust everything u see, and if it was rly true, the fucktard that could hack valves server without them noticing wont be THAT dumb and post a video on youtube to show them

                                                    -apm 400 player

                                                      @ne|Monkeh clearly this was an demo all he did was covering up the options with two banners. at 58sec mark u can sees PL turns into invis pudge decide not to chase him due to he aint really using any MH ingame.

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        @k3v I said I 'haven't watched it'. I'll take your word for it.

                                                        Nice edit btw, gj :)

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                        Sol Devguy
                                                          კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                            Well this is not CS it wont really make you a better player, if you suck at dota you will still lose also it seems some people trust VAC a little to much .. go play CS on vac enabled servers and you will see plenty of cheaters with all hacks on.


                                                              I think they're most likely just selling lies, false hope, followed by regret.


                                                                Yes don't believe it. You can create a local bot match or local 5v5 and put cheats on my friend, then post it on you tube as "proof" VAC is effective, and you can't modify your game files without it noticing.

                                                                I mean prove the thread wrong! Buy the product and show us some matches that you win while cheating good luck! I'm sure your account will be banned so no thread will be appended by the poster. Enjoy!


                                                                  Actually the maphack thing, i know it from long time, i don't know how they make it, but mb they use the bug of when you lag you can see the whole minimap. That would make sense also for illusion, since it's also that way, with disconnect reconnect that you can see them.

                                                                  All those flaw would be sooooo fucking easy to use to get a maphack, for som1 with some knowledge in it.

                                                                  Edit: most of the vid you'll find on youtube are made in local, so you definitly cann't trust tem.
                                                                  Also, there were a topic about this in devdota2, that got instant hidden ~1year ago.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    OP Why are you publicizing this even more? Do you want DotA 2 to become like Combat Arms or old Counterstrike?



                                                                      there was a lot of hacks that didn't get you banned for a long time such as x22 etc.

                                                                      VAC doesn't catch everything, however I doubt there is any hackers in dota. Most likely ways to abuse things though


                                                                        I can't seem to grasp the reason why would people use hacks.
                                                                        If i was put at 6k MMR now and insta kill everyone what would I accomplish then? where's even the fun in it?

                                                                        There's always something as I remember back in the days all the aimbots and shit in soldier of fortune etc.
                                                                        I really can't understand the purpose... such ignorance

                                                                        Why are you necroing 3 months old posts?

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          Oh wtf, I was actually not aware of it myself. This post was on page on for me? wtf


                                                                            lol, was reading and all of a sudden noticed "3 months ago" :)

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!