General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help: Year beast tonight 2/11/2014 (US Locale central)

Need help: Year beast tonight 2/11/2014 (US Locale central) in General Discussion

    I have about 10,000 gold ingots, can any high level players on here help me out with the beast a few times for some wins? Most of the people that post on here have great w/l and have posted some great scores.

    I would be willing to part with 1 key if we get the 40,000 jades when I trade the jades in. I appreciate it! :)

    Manny Mammoth

      >40,000 jades

      Woof Woof

        i think u posted a bit 2 late GL nontheless


          40k jades is possible

          My year beast stack played hardcore and we farmed over 20 gifts
          but it takes a lot of work and effort


            ^ how do you get so many ingots? I spent all my ingots in 3 or 4 runs.


              Sano/Satellizer up for a run tonight?



                We had a 5 man 500% favor party farming in co-op bots matchmaking


                  you get ingots from co-op?

                  That is brilliant. time to finish my favor.

                  Course i have to do all my ingot and jade farming alone. Still made some decent money though. Maybe one day i'll have dota friends.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    interesting, I didn't know co-op worked. ps: NERDS
                    and @Cpt.Caveman I can't bro, I'll be playing a tournament tonight, and before that I'll be studying


                      2 jadehoofs
                      get rekt


                        I got one... too bad its price is really low atm


                          I'd be down to spend my 11k yellow things. I never played this minigame and I won't be able to go until 9 or 10 central, but lemme know if you're looking for people.


                            I'd be up for a run tonight. Only have about 4K ingots, so I could do one "full" run.

                            Message me on Steam tonight if considering a party. I'd prefer to do a practice run or two ahead of team to work out team composition and strategy.


                              Alright Frostychee and stinkoman add me on steam. I'm at work so I dont have it installed on my work laptop. 9 or 10 central works fine with me. I would prefer doing a few practice runs.

                              Any winning 5 man strategies from the winners satellizer or sano? hero combos that work?


                                I won't be able to play, I'll be offline for the next 5 or 6 hours

                                We used Necro, Warlock, Lone Druid, Lifestealer and Sniper.


                                  Thanks frosty and stink for doing a few year beast runs with me! Wish I had time to stay on longer last night but had to sleep! :D Great teamwork you guys.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    any good drops?


                                      I got 2 mythical treasure chests 3k jade tokens each on mine. 1 redhoof courier (I like my little green drake courier better) and 1 mythical shoulder plate for rubick. So not bad!

                                      Does anyone know if getting the 1500 jade token keys be a better grab to unlock the chest drops instead of getting the mythical 3k jade token drops? Just curious.


                                        the 3k box is waay better, you can get any mythical or the genuines from the lockless luckbox

                                        here are the rewards:


                                          Yeah, that was pretty easy. Let me know if you guys are going more, still have 6k.


                                            Yep easier than expected. I was also reading on there that the fire crackers makes the beast take 5% more damage. (Thanks for the link satellizer!) So when I was just using them to release you guys from the beast, I should of been pelting him every so often for more damage.

                                            Yeah I won't get home in time before it runs out frostychee. I'm not sure if it will show up again after tonight but we'll see and I'll schedule another time to do it. (Anyone know if it will show up again after this?)

                                            Looks like we could only get 4000 max jade tokens for doing 100mil dmg. I think the 500 mil is where you get the jade courier but that seems pretty tough to do. Possibly can reach it with the random firecracker spurts for increased dmg.

                                            P.S. that post from Wave with 40,000 jade tokens was a lie. Must of used photo shop to do it.... boo hiss.


                                              oh, yea i cant do tonight due to the time zone. I was assuming he's gonna pop up again.


                                                Yeah I'm still sitting at work so I can't do a year beast run again. I am hoping he will pop up again so I can spend my ingots. We'll see though! I assume it will update and it will either remove all the chinese new year crap and not post a new time for him to return, or it will post a new time for him to return idk! Time will tell!

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!