General Discussion

General DiscussionIts happening again

Its happening again in General Discussion

    I cant manage to win games, seriosuly how do you avoid this? What heroes do i learn ? WHAT DO I DO??


      if your team has 2 or less carries pick necrophos or brood
      if your team has a bunch of carries pick visage



        la the yeezy

          Idk but storm has been my go to hero these days. Just play heroes you are comfortable with. Luna, weaver, lycan is pretty strong. And I think you need to stop playing terrorblade. You keep picking him despite the enemy team having million disables


            if u want to win some games, pick lycan

            he is so damn good
            (enemyteam) 43-17 (myteam) still can win with rat.

            Sup m8

              damn that tower damage

              Sup m8

                pick tinker, timber, and es. 10 game streak

                Ples Mercy

                  They took your bara + brood from u that means you will lose until u get the mmr u deserve, theres nothing more to it brah.

                  Sup m8

                    11 now


                      i forget to play timber since this patch, nice inspiration bro !

                      Sup m8

                        Fun hero :D


                            европа такие нытики, сколько тем создают , что они не могут победить и валва и все вокруг (русские конечно в основном, которые выигрывают кстати) ВИНОВАТЫ . дотабаф РАССКАЖИ СВОЮ ПЕЧАЛЬ - ВСЕМ ИНТЕРЕСНО. написал по-русски , потому что боюсь , что меня обольют говнищем эти нытики , а потом пойдут дальше штамповать топики , какая дота нечестная

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              კომენტარი წაიშალა
                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                volvo's 50% hammer.Deal with it!


                                  I'm on the same boat dude. I'm trying my hardest while having an offlane Timber feed 0-5 to a Huskar. In 5 minutes!! Game is hard nowadays.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Listen, listen. To avoid forced loss you have to stop playing dota, or try to play bad on occasion, then Volvo will send superb players into your team to win you games. Playing good will only have a bad result for you.


                                      @sano 10.3k TD? that's cute


                                        @~1~ 12,6k TD? that's cute


                                          oh well I guess you win

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            Disruptive Pilot,
                                            After 4,461matches you asking this question ???


                                              just a luck bro, damn lycan is so good !



                                                WHY YES I AM. I can always manage to find a way to not feed, but me team however, not the entire team but that one guy manages to find the way to feed.


                                                  try a support.
                                                  babysit your carry.
                                                  thats the easiest way for me to get a win.


                                                    Gee wiz if everyone's playing the "my tower damage is bigger than yours" on the internet then here....



                                                      Pick a pusher like Spitz suggested and just let your team 4v5 and push towers and have a viable escape. Been avoiding losses this way with a quick blink dagger/tp from the trees if they smell my beef coming up the lane. If I'm at this point I tend to STARE hard at the mini map so if it even looks like they are coming my way I just escape and push the opposite lane the other team is not in.

                                                      I've had several games where my mates will yell scream cry because we're 20 kills behind, but then end up back dooring the other team. If no one is playing the game as a "TEAM" (using the term loosely here) you may as well try winning on your own.

                                                      @ Flop

                                                      One big defect I see with playing support lately is my hard carry can't last hit if his life depended on it. I'm harassing the other heros, denying like a boss then I see him having all day long to grab those crucial last hits and "WIFF" no whammy.

                                                      So another big deal Disruptive Pilot, you're baby sitting your "carry" (using the term loosely here again) and you could of grabbed up a mek and arcane boots in 10 min while hes wiffing last hits. Theres your answer. Take those last hits and get items instead of giving it to the creeps to the opposite team. I say not enough "hard carries" on this game do not use the quelling blade as a crutch as much as they need to early on.

                                                      Sup m8

                                                        @Cpt. Caveman, if you pick a hero like tinker or timbersaw and you're pushing a lot, sure pushing like crap and backdooring is good, but you have BoT, use those babies. You can go farming one lane to in a teamfight in a flash. If you buy tp's (which are rare in pubs) it really makes a difference. Keep pushing


                                                          I guess i will give lycan a go. Will post results later.

                                                          one and half gun

                                                            pick brood pubs never buy sentries

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              dont change anything its best part of valve mm u just need to give it few days and u will start winning again without changing anything at all #godly match maker

                                                              Anthem Blue Cross

                                                                I also have a high TD when playing lycan before.. :)

                                                                one and half gun

                                                                  is 8.5k tower damage impressive
                                                                  never cared about how much dmg i deal to towers


                                                                    depends on hero being used.