General Discussion



    Played perfect game. Bought both curiers, left LH to our "carries" bought mek, bought wards, bough Pipe and Vlads, saved my teammates countless times when being dueled or ultied by other players and those fuckin useless braindead people still couldnt win this game and they rather farm or playing passive when they should be pushing? I lost 25mmr over this, IS THIS FUCKIN FAIR? Volvo said you can GAIN mmr if you played a great game despite a loss, thats a fuckin bullshit. And due to such lame ass games i lose rating when i actually did everything in order to win this.

    I know its pointless to even speak about such players (around 3.5k mmr), but such really close games actually decide if i'm going up or staying in this lame ass mmr range. People say "Go mid carry", but it i did that, we wouldnt last 2 fights due to people without skill.


      You do realize you had no hard carry on your team right?...
      Also Enigma was the reason you lost, not your "carries", but you still could have made a difference. Instead of Aghs (which is fucking stupid on support Abadon FYI), you could have gone Halberd and completely shut down BS, probably winning you the game.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        I was about to make a similar thread I am actually quite furious on this system I'm on a losing mmr road right now, winning 1 losing 2 games, games where I support, I leave my lane to gank I ward the place, I play impeccable (for my skill level at least) and I just get queued with more and more retards (But calling them this name would be a disgrace for the people that actually suffer a retardation)...

        This system is a hoax elo rating where personal skill and good behavior is just treated with more and more losses...

        People kept saying that I belong in the right skill group, but they don't even check my games they just click and watch the items...

        I'm actually considering for quite some time to stop playing this game all along, i cannot wait for people with proper skill to come online so I can play with them, and even more I am starting to feel rejected by them because they are afraid to lose MMR ( I would do the same ) ...

        I feel your pain at the moment I started losing from ~3500, and keep losing going probably to 2500 or something like that, to the place where I am actually carrying the game by myself...

        The only games where I actually won are the ones where I can score a 20-2-20 with a support where I just kill steal and get a support to carry a game and with a bit of luck to not meet retarded team mates that don't feed randomly...


          ^Looking at your games you just feed, you have nobody to be mad at but yourself.
          I can picture you as one of those guys who says "report my feeder noob team" when they have a score like this

          or this
 nice items btw, aghanims rush invoker new meta
          or this

          You are fucking trash at this game, quit if you want.

          Yes MMR is broken sometimes, but these threads are 99% of the time made by retards who don't realize the best way to win is improve instead of QQing.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          King of Low Prio

            play like shit, get shit ratings


              Sampson - you would know :)

              Wink - i decided for pipe+ags mainly because they didnt focus me with that much with Doom's ult, but with all other spells and we badly needed a tank in our team, who could absorb a lot of dmg, while hiting people and put shields on and heal. So i went with ags for those 2 additional seconds which we needed, but Heaven's halberd wouldnt be bad too. I was thinking about going heart, but i dont think it would make a lot of difference. We lost mainly cause of people stupid solo deaths and lack of pushing skill and decisions in fights. Riki was enough of a carry to win us this game (i did quite good dmg too), since enigma did few good black holes. But people just chased others over map instead of focusing those disabled by black hole (which was Doom lots of the time).

              Blah, just hate braindead people. It's so much easier to play with higher ranked players, who have a clue when to fight and when to push. But getting in that mmr range is whole other story...

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                There were many better items to go... Scythe, Necro 3, Shivas


                  Or AC. You're probably right.

                  King of Low Prio

                    @Lucky Bird

                    I am higher MM than you because I do not blame my teammates every game and make excuses over and over


                      You can buy mek and pipe... doesn't mean you will win the game, if all you have to do playing support is buying mek, pipe and help your teamates to win then everyone would have 100% win ratio.
                      You need to make a difference which you did not.


                        Eazy - i'm not even talking about that. I DID make a difference, go watch replay if you dont see it from stats (dmg, heal, kda) alone (it's way more obvious from the game, when you can see the actuall impact and decision making). It would be a one way stomp, if i didnt play as good.

                        Sampson - i dont blame them often, but there are games when someone just has enough of the shit. If you say you're calm 100% of the time, then you lie.

                        I should probably watch less of the pro scene, because you get quickly dissapointed in pub games. I probably expect too much from the players that are not capable of doing it.


                          Looking at enigma it seems that you missed ur blackhole combo, I speak as a teams. It seems that enigma get picked up quite often too, maybe you should have try to help her, or type in chat to stay as a team.


                            I did shiield her most of the times (also others), being close providing mek and Pipe + heal from my first skill. He was pretty on point with black holes, the problem is others just chased heroes like Dazzle, while Enigma was doing ult. I was pretty much always there triing to kill people who were disabled by it. But team cooperation just failed lots of times surprisingly, although enigma, riki and timber were in same party.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              @lucky bird @zauxst

                              why not stack? play solo que support can be frustrating.
                              if you have no real life friends to stack . add those not-so-retard carrys teammates you matched.

                              if you say mmr is broken and all you team'd up are retards...
                              the why the opposite teams always have no retards ? something for you to think about.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Dire Wolf

                                Expecting riki or qop to carry in a 1hr game won't work. You guys needed to win that game around 30 mins before doom comes in and slaps you around. Also outside of enigmas ult you have zero disables on your team. You guys didn't draft a real solid team.


                                  "why the opposite teams always have no retards ? something for you to think about."

                                  Of course they have them, but they're usually playing suports or some hero with OP spell, which you dont have to be great with to make something with it (like BS or Doom with ult, early fed LC), while i, as probably higher ranked player on my team had to play a support in order to actually have a chance to do something. If i didnt pick one, we would have no wards, no mek, no curier and the game would snowball out of control for them. Also Abbadon is nice counter for BS and LC, while providing a lot for the team.

                                  I'm a kind of played that i like to wait and see what my team picks and then pick a hero i think it would make the best contribution with. I should by any means play mid or safe lane carry, but it's not a good idea to go fight over picks with a stack which picks instantly - you mostly end up losing the game even faster.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    'while i, as probably higher ranked player on my team'

                                    found your problem


                                      @There is not try - i know we had worse late game, but still we actually whipe them out many times late game. We lost mainly because people rather play passive and scared when whole oposite team is dead, then go directly push lanes. I really dont understand that. We had at least 2 good oportunities to end the game.


                                        ^Then fucking ping it and go, they will follow you. I have a strong feeling you're bullshitting us though seeing that you are so stubborn with your false logic.


                                          "found your problem" - happy for u Sherlock Holmes.


                                            "^Then fucking ping it and go, they will follow you." - i pinged and told them with CAPLOCKS countless time to GO. They went back (as they were stack of course) and when we lost 30,40s of time for no good reason, they slowly came from behind. Go watch replay and you'll see for yourself. Some people should really watch what pro teams do after good fights.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I often do watch the replays but the fact that you are so delusional about your own skill level makes it seem like a waste of my time to watch it and tell you what you did wrong because in your mind you are "higher ranked player on my team"


                                                @Sampson - ok, lets say that i'm not and i'm really overvaluing myself and others are better. Why in the hell then they go back, when we're 4 alive and close to win, while there is no aparent reason to defend the base? Their throne is open, we could go directly mid lane (no mid rax btw) and end it. But no, lets farm a bit, push other lanes and then when they all respawn try to take mid.

                                                I dont even know why i posted this, i should probably just went over it and forget the damn game. Oh well... Raging over bad plays does not probably help, since there was a lot of flaming going on in the team.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Watching it now

                                                  At 20 minutes you guys were behind on kills, money, and exp and you rage a whole bunch in all chat, I have yet to see where your lead is

                                                  At 30 minutes its the same, and you lose a teamfight at 30:40 ingame time and then lose your top barracks

                                                  At 40 minutes you are sieged and enigma gets a big blackhole, but your whole team was OCCUPIED and about 600 units away from the blackhole. You trade 2:3 in your favour

                                                  At 50 minutes you start to catch up because the enemy team stupidly decides to go farm and you win a teamfight

                                                  You then attempt a smoke gank at 52:00 and go up to enemy jungle while bloodseeker solos Roshan (nobody warded near it so you didn't know) and you pick off Skywrath Mage

                                                  At 53 minutes you begin to strut up mid while LC split pushes your bot racks and nobody TPs back to stop her, instead you all sit in mid doing nothing until LC takes your bot T3 and you end up picking her off, but your top lane is way too pushed in to try and go mid

                                                  At 60 minutes Dazzle disconnects and the enemy team pauses, but your douche bag qop unpauses instantly and you guys try to push mid in a 4v4 (your timbersaw was taking care of top creeps, but it wouldnt have matter because after watching the fight, you would have lost no matter what)

                                                  Throughout the entire game you had lower net worth AND exp than everyone except for qop, enigma, and dazzle.

                                                  So yeah, you lose the fight and you lose the game, all while stupidly raging in all chat, thus proving you are a dunning krugertard

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  Sōu ka

                                                    if you want to win games/gain MMR dont play support especially if you think you're rather underrated
                                                    its not even necessarily about making perfect decisions
                                                    its about accounting for people being bad and making bad decisions and still impacting the game as much as possible if you play support


                                                      Playing perfectly begins in picks.

                                                      Your team literally had 2 stuns. 1 that is unreliable, and 1 that is an AoE untargeted.

                                                      Yet you picked a melee support with no disable.

                                                      You have a team with two heavy magic damage dealers.

                                                      The enemy team had 1 BKB.

                                                      You bought Aghanim's.

                                                      I fail to the see the problem here.

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        Builds aghs on abbadon, says that others are braindead.



                                                          Why do you care, I always lose over baddies with even worse baddies.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            With the spells they had (especially skywrath and BS), it was actually legit cause we needed someone who could absorb all of the dmg they threw at us, we needed a tank basically. Heart would have done ok, but Ags was better in my opinion. But hey, i'm noob obviously, i have the right to be wrong experiment with different builds and use my brain.

                                                            Wink - you obviously (intentionally or intentionally) overlooked that 56 min fight at their top raxes. We had them at that point if all payed focus on enigma ulti and didnt die like a retard. If we wipe them out there (it looked very good for us), we had the game. But riki died like a retard staying away from the team and being picked up by LC.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              riki did not get picked off, he used blink strike to the enemies right next to enigma and then he got dueled. pay attention to your own games and shut the fuck up, youre making it look worse for yourself by still arguing. aghanims is bad on abadon and you did not lose the game because of riki. if i wanted to pinpoint a single person who coulda won the game but threw it, its you with your retarded item choice.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                And at that 60 min push - if we focused only 2 towers and ancient while enigma ultied them nicely and not fight with them, with pipe and mek on - we would do it in time. I'm sure of that.


                                                                  no... absolutely fucking not.... you are not gonna take 2 towers and ancient in 3 seconds of blackhole, enigma will melt, you will get doomed, riki will get dueled, and you will lose the fight anyways. you should have ended at 30-40 minute mark but YOU and YOUR TEAM were losing from the start, the game was already over at 20 minutes. you had no hard carry, they had 2 and they were winning in farm, exp, kills, and towers.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    Wink - wtf? Are you watching the same game? At 56 min top push, after we dived them initiated by riki, he got picked off by LC away from his team! He started fine, but then went back to the tower for whatever reason in the oposite direction of black hole and whole team. Not for long, but enough to die. PAY ATTENTION and dont talk crap! If he stayed with us whole time, we would have probably save him in time.


                                                                      We had chance to do it in the end too. You may not agree, but whatever. One man's opinion. And the game isnt over, till its over. Pro teams prove it from week to week.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        pro players also admit when they fuck up


                                                                          i just lost a game because i was distracted and caught a 5 sec arrow as luna 60 min in the game with no buyback, not even mad ...

                                                                          jess the goat

                                                                            and pro players dont make a thread every game they lose, so many of them nowadays about 'team sucks why lose rating plz volvo fix' .....


                                                                              guide to seeing if your teammates are consistently worse than you:

                                                                              1) Is your rating above 3k?
                                                                              2) Are you blue is over 50% of your games?

                                                                              if not chances are you are as bad as your teammates.


                                                                                So most of you commend w/o actually watching the games, you just open the end game score and gg you actually think it's cool, most of the games where my personal score is below 0 kda is because fountain farm or mid-game rage when things are pretty clear seeing how the team thinks... pressure dives, etc...

                                                                                Wink you are just shit, if you don't check the games stfu bra ok ?


                                                                                  Making of such threads isnt by any means my hobby, it is some people's hobby tho. Every now i then even i lose nerves about some people idiotism and lack of my skill to carry the team to victory in any way too. Nobody's perfect, i have no problem by admiting my mistakes like i already said few times.

                                                                                  But as far positioning, timing and priority in fights go, i'm way above those players. I know when to push, do rosh and when only to farm, but you cant teach anything a player(s) who doesnt want to improve. I've played regullary with 4 stack of players from 3.7k to 4.7k, have 3.8k mmr on my other account and the higher mmr players i play with, more i enjoy the game. Watched probably 300+ pro games and been watching pro player streams regullary, so i learned a lot from that.

                                                                                  Getting from that shitty mmr range is the difficult thing for me (mostly because i'm a teamplayer not solo/farmer one), not playing with 4k+ people.

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    just because I play with dendi does not mean I am equal in terms of skill


                                                                                      Okay Zauxst, go cry somewhere else, and take your 46% winrate with you.


                                                                                        k k, gonna link other account when I get 100 games on it, just so you cry in the corner with your winrate...


                                                                                          Cooperation does not come from skill. Higher MMR players are not more polite or helpful or teamplayers. Mostly they win more because they are more skillful at clicking.

                                                                                          If you want to get a higher MMR I can tell you how, but first think... do you really want it? 4k MMR or 5k MMR will not mean you don't get people playing like morons. Some people who are extremely skillful still choose to play like morons in some games, by carelessness, because they are on the phone, because they are drunk, because they are angry irl... so many reasons. A couple days ago I watched Arteezy stream and he played like an idiot. He fed lots of times and lost the game, picked a fight with someone on his team and decided to lose I guess. He was still extremely fast and accurate in everything he did... but his choices were dumb and he spent half the game typing to his steam instead of playing well because he just didn't care to win that one.

                                                                                          If you want teamwork you need to get people who also want teamwork and play with them. It's not a matter of MMR.

                                                                                          But if you really want higher MMR, just pick your best high impact heroes... solo mid or carry or a powerful offlaner, even a jungler who does a lot of ganking will work. Whatever high impact role you are best at playing pick that every game and MMR will go up. Winrate will go up... player attitudes however do not improve at higher MMR, only speed and skill.

                                                                                          Lucky Bird, for you this means: pick Mirrana over an over. You will win a ton more games and get much higher MMR. Just play the next 40 games straight Mirrana every game. You will see what I say works... is it the most fun? probably not... but it works. If you really want higher MMR, that is what you should do. If you do as well in the next 40 games on Mirrana as you have in the last 32 games of Mirrana this will gain you about 600 MMR.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                            Relentless Why you offlineeeee


                                                                                              There is some kind of problem. Valve claims my entire friends list is offline and there are about 300k fewer player in dota 2 than usual for this time of day. Perhaps this is a server maintenance issue. Steam says I am online and I can do everything I normally do when in online mode.

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                Restart steam?


                                                                                                  Its server maintence for eu west atm what that have with you , hm nothing I think. Dunno maybe some buggs for me all working normal..


                                                                                                    I'll restart again. I have already 4 times today though with no change.


                                                                                                      Rly unfortunately :(

                                                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                        2nd poster is right.. engima with 2-15.. wow.