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Random question in General Discussion
Alyosha Take the Quiz for your favorite position to play (not your best)
    1/3 of people prefer mid
    1/5 prefer hard carry
    1/5 prefer offlane
    1/4 prefer support (positions 4 and 5)

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Lol all offlaners


        Not enough offlanes for us offlaners


          Offlane ftw

          Woof Woof

            i love support/hard support but when i used to play it seriously only autists were on my team


              ^Autistic people are much smarter than the average person they just have communication issues


                pwnd .

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  I like feedlane.


                    Albinoblackbear, there is no predictive quality in IQ based on the degree of autism in someone. It has no impact at all. The misconception comes from the 1/100 autistic genius becoming famous due to his combination of autism and genius. A regular 1/100 genius is often normal enough to avoid detection immediately (probably because he has grace and isn't a socially careless autistic person). Another reason why autistic geniuses are often brought to light is that due to their autism (this part is real; not the increase in intellect), they can often obsess about a certain topic. Well, genius or not (and especially if genius), obsessing over a topic to a degree most non-autistic people do will result in you seeming utterly incredible with regards to that topic. Case in point: All DotA professionals obsess over DotA. They seem incredible. Most are not autistic, they just play 7 hours a day.

                    I use the term 1/100 for two very good reasons.
                    1.) That is a regular cutoff in intelligence testing for the term "genius".
                    2.) It demonstrates how non-rare a genius actually is. In a class of 600, expect 6 geniuses. Also, expect most of them to be in AP physics.

                    edit: Also, note how much rarer exceptional people are over a genius (To wit, not all geniuses become exceptional). Imagine if 1/100 DotA players were Dendi. A Dendi is more like 1/10000. It's due to the task taking a few things genius doesn't:
                    1.) You need to have a sound brain (Perhaps genius)
                    2.) You need to have the physical bearings for the game, and they need to be exceptional too (reaction time, etc.)
                    3.) You need to be obsessive over the game

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა



                        @vandal Autistic people, like OCD or ADD have a brain that is smarter than the average person
                        For example Gifted programs in school commonly have kids with ADD or Aspergers etc.
                        Im not talking about Autistic savants either
                        And I just commented that because I'm sick of people using Autism or other mental problems as this negative thing
                        Similar to Gay=bad
                        Most of your argument had nothing to do with what I said -.- I hope you enjoyed writing that


                          I want those support players to add me up @_@



                            Nope, autistic fellows follow the same distribution of intelligence as the general population. Also, being autistic in almost any context is a weakness. Its definition basically is "Someone who cannot act in a socially acceptable fashion." That is almost never an advantage. People who are autistic prefer to be otherwise, and parents of autistic children would prefer to cure their children.

                            Miku Plays



                                Hard support all day erry day.


                                  I prefer the hard support role

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!