General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR screwed up

MMR screwed up in General Discussion

    I have 3700- I'm not that good
    seriously not bragging I should be 3000 flat :0
    For all you elitists on this site 3.7k is very high for the average player

    თემა შეიცვალა
    King of Low Prio

      what you 'believe' and what you 'feel' is not factual


        3700 is not good.

        jess the goat

          3700 is fine lol, you cant says it not good.


            sure it is bogi.


              How is 3700 good? I m 4600, and 5000+ is pro.


                2200 is the global average so 3700 is good. Everything is relative, I'm nowhere near pro yet I'm 4700.

                jess the goat

                  idc if your 4.6k, doesnt mean your any better than a 3.5k like me, its a team game after all.


                    i fucking suck with 3500 then
                    its just bs it just depends on w/l

                    jess the goat

                      yeah, I went from like 3.6k down to 3.4k now or so


                        GHAHAHA SO MCUH SBULSHIT

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          The ranked MMR is totally broken. It is not based on how well you play in any way whatsoever. I basically have no choice but to play some key OP carries in order in order to improve my MMR, instead of my usual support role.


                            It depends on wins losses in such a way that in the long run, what you do in each game really doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you are able to win games against other people with higher ratings than you more often than you lose games against players with lower rating. With this said, W/L-ratio does not mean anything, which seems to be a missunderstanding.


                              I laugh at how some people bitch and moan about MMR being broken. You're just unsatisfied that the system has decided you're a player in a lower class of skill than you THINK you are.

                              If other people can reach high MMR playing support why can't you?

                              Low Expectations

                                I fucking hate shits who think like KarmaBaby, this kind of thinking leads to having AM, Spectre and Void on the same team because they all must have carries otherwise their MMR wont go up. Dunno maybe its because I am 3,6k player and at this level all the players feel they are simply "too good" for their MMR and have to improve this fast.
                                Shit like that destroys games.


                                  Its a vicious circle. If you're normally playing in a support role and you end up getting under-ranked after your first 10 or X amount of games which isn't a sufficient sample size anyway, then you're more likely going to be matched with players that are worse than you.
                                  At this point, in a scrub game where you are the best player, you should then definitely try to play the carry role, or the role of a hero that can snowball and take over the game. If the best player is playing the role of a support that isn't going to bag a lot of kills, while the carries feed and can't last hit then he is not being put to best use in the team.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    ooo golly geez and I thought it was KDA and not KD guess I was wrong

                                    Kanye Best

                                      Basically what Ortheus and Deadshot said. Fucking shitters can actually SEE how shit they are now, but they STILL refuse to believe it.


                                        It's funny how just because people play support they feel like they should be at "the level they belong". Honestly, you need to be an all around player or at least able to play other roles to get to the bracket you belong in. I play support most of the time, but it's not like I can't play a farmer role.

                                        Another thing is when people bitch about the constant amount of shit players in their bracket. If you were honestly better than everyone in your bracket, you'd be able to win consistently more often then not, leading you out of that shit bracket. For every idiot throwing a game for you, there's another game where he's on the other team.


                                          Meh. I'm a 3600-3700 MMR player. I pretty much exclusively support in pubs, though occasionally I solo offlane. I can play the other roles, but prefer to pick last so that I can ensure the team has what we need. I think it's about where I belong. I tend to get decent games where I'm not getting stomped or stomping - which is the whole point of the system, isn't it? I mean, I'd like to get better and play higher skill games. I learn new heroes, watch pro games, and read up on new things to try. I'll get up there eventually.

                                          I've stacked with my 5k MMR friends. I know what that bracket is like, and there's no way I could survive there without being carried or being a marginal player.

                                          Though, that's my Group MMR experience. My solo MMR experience is one of misery and the buttest of butthurts, and I don't think I'll ever play in that fucking cesspool again.


                                            anything below 4.3k MMR is bad.
                                            'Nuff said.


                                              I only play solo games and have never had a team or played with a team. I learned a long time ago that playing captain mode or captain draft will make it soo much easier to win games in pubs. I found that I have more success if I go support roles and help the carry out if he is new on where to farm and when to help team. After 10 games I was around 3.4k now im between 3.7-3.8k. I can say that ever since I started playing ranked match games, that the RQ is dropped significantly. So good job Valve!

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                I dont like how some people say 'oh ur shit but u think ur good which is why u shouldnt be having a good mmr' but this is not the case what so ever, most of times when i play, i play support and for that reason i have to rely on my team to win the late game and most the time u get some random people that pick anti mage or some other crappy carry and they end up fucking the game for me thus my mmr goes down and i play with more retarded people. This is not to say i am the best support but i just cant have a consecutive winning streaks due to me being the only willing one to play support when i solo que. The other fucked up reason why this mmr system is crap is that, lets say i play 10 games in 1 day: Win 1, Lose 1. Win 1, Lose 1, win 1 and so on... this essentially makes me stay in the current mmr that i was and never gives me a chance to improve.


                                                  Please do not necro threads.


                                                    Everyone worse than me is a noob and everyone better than me is a nolife account buying piece of shit
                                                    -every gamer ever

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      they need to bring TSR like they did in HON. Solves everything since it's based on average player etc...

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!