General Discussion

General DiscussionHow i fool valve

How i fool valve in General Discussion

    I only play solo queue. All my games are eu east/west server. I have 2 accounts and i maintain a highly above 50% percent win rate. Valve i pawned you hard. And i am not even exploiting like other tards of this site who 5 man stack, avoid games all the time if their rosh strart fails or play least played/limited heroes mode or low priority in shitty servers. -->winrate 80% --> Win Rate 68.89%

    My main account had a win rate of 56% percent which started decreasing and is now 52,5% because i get matched with noobs. So that's why i started new accounts.
    And no i am not bragging, my e-pennis is large enough.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      You don't even have 100 games man.


        That's some pro Steam signup email confirmation clicking you have there. teach me pls


          I dont play much i prefer to watch competitive scene. soon i will rise in games


            lmfao i got account with 200 games and higer winrates then u

            implying winrate matters when u have like 10 games

            get atleast atleast couple hundreds then brag about it cuz winning games in 500 mmr bracket isn't that hard

            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

              How is that an exploit?
              Valve doesn't care about your winrate. In fact, only idiots care about winrate, because intelligent people know that the MM will match you against more difficult enemies over time. What matters is your MMR and since you don't want to show it us to us, I can just assume that you failed "fooling Valve".


                You're fooling no one but yourself.

                Come back to us when you have a sample size of at least 2K games. There are hundreds of players with close to 50% win rates that will have gone through a 100 game stretch where their win rate much higher than yours.

                29 games on one of those accounts. lol!

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  lol i think you all got trolled hard:D


                    pretty accurate django


                      lmao so true




                          Django got it right.


                            We all know smurfing can get you a good win rate. Not news to us.



                              Do you understand your winrate is meaningless unless you play certain amount of games? At least 300...


                                @Nolf_ while it would have begun to decrease by then, a better number to look at would be your last 100 matches or something


                                  @Terrible I just used number 300 because valve guy said they can properly identify your rating after 150 wins (300 total games on average).

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    Play 500 games then talk. Try get 52% winrate at 1000+ games. Then u talk bro.


                                      lol low kda scrubs tryhard trolling

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        time to flag his account!


                                          Unless you have 3+ kda on your top heroes you fucking suck
                                          Yes even supports


                                            i think that dude just find out he can smurf and got so excited.

                                            come on . KAC. every smurf account have high winrate.
                                            except for that vvvvvv dude:


                                              Yea he got riki stomped
                                              Trench doto at its finesnt