General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Lone Druid?

How to play Lone Druid? in General Discussion

    How to last hit and harass effectively in lane?
    What's the best key setting to group bear and hero?


      First of all you need to practise it a lot since it is micro related and such.
      For harassment you sent the bear a move command as close as possible to the enemy hero and then as soon as it is in attack range you give an attack command. Therefor you will get the least aggro from creeps and keep your the equilibrium. However while doing that you shouldnt just focus on that, you should not autoattack while harrasing with your bear and you should lasthit.
      So 4 things you need to take care of while harrasing + the common stuff you need to take care of.

      Last hitting is pretty much the same just that you have multiple instances of damage you can use. And those instances can be timed differently. You have to learn on your won how to abuse such

      Key settings is completely up to you. Most people have 3 hotkeys. 1 hotkey for hero 1 hotkey for bear and 1 hotkey for both.
      I however just use 2 hotkey (hero and bear only)


        Last hitting is easy because you have 2 units to deal the damage.
        Start harassing at level 3 bear. Get a poison orb if you are on safe lane.


          Seems so much to learn. I think i will watch replay of you both.

          so, Jungling LD shouldn't get poison orb?

          I can't find admirallbulldog's recent lone druid replay
          Do you guys have any recommended replay for lone druid?
          And is it better to farm on lane or jungle?
          And when LD can start farm on ancient (or stacked ancient?)

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            I never said that I play it well, I know all the stuff however I havent touch that hero for a while :D
            Maybe on my other accounts you find some better LD replays.
            Either way here is a HoN guide for Lonedruid
            its the same basics


              The TI3 replays should still be available on the game client, if I'm not mistaken. You could just try watching some page 1 Lone Druid players otherwise.


                It seems your broodmother style is so powerful and it's much easier to learn...
                I will copycat your brood instead of LD. hehe


                  how to adjust your last hitting, so LD range and the bear damage the creep at the same time?
                  If there is some gap between those 2 attacks, enemy/creep can deny it.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                  Woof Woof

                    u cant dmg creep at same time even if u place ld in melee range due to difference in attack speed + animation


                      Oh sry, of course the gap is always be > 0.
                      Now, how to make the gap really small so that with this skill, the enemy can't compete you in last hitting.


                        k if you really think that gap is so important you can attack with bear and almost instantly with druid(using hotkeys for bear and druid). druid's attack point is 0.33 secs while bear's is 0.43 + druid has some agility to make him attack faster. and bear's base attack time is reduced per level so to the point when it stabilizes the gap will be short enough to not matter. I don't see any reason mastering this technique as it is not cost efficient and may cause not needed habits for later game.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა