there is incentive to random in both extra gold earned, and to try heroes you have not played yet. if i picked death prophet every game things would get stale. randoming forces you learn the game. i like it, anyway. if you don't want it in your mm, then don't queue with all pick.
There is nothing wrong with randoming.
Whats wrong is that one prick who does not communicate, doesn't pick until creeps have spawned, and randoms a Faceless Void when you NEED a solo hero or a lane support.
Solution: Allow randoming only in the first 20 seconds of picking
maybe just make a "no random all pick" mode? i feel the urge to random any time i see all pick at the top of the player loading queue. i typically wait to see what my team picks before proceeding, in any case. if the lineup is all over the place, randoming is okay. if we NEED a support, i'll pick a support.
i sort of suck at this game though. just saying.
i disagree. as i said, if you don't want randoming as a possibility, then don't queue in all pick. if you're try-harding, then go cm and stack.
I'm not going to lie, I'm one of those people who will random as the last person to pick a hero in All Pick.
But if it doesn't fit the team, there's this button that too many pub players are terrified of. Repick. Seriously, just repick if you random something that will destroy your team's chances of winning. If it's early enough in the game, before items have been bought (preferably before the pick screen has faded) always ask for swaps first.
I hate it when people random a hero they can't play and then slam-repick without saying anything. I'd have been happy to take that Enigma or Shadow Shaman off your hands bro...
Why would i change the game mode, becouse some pricks random in the last moment, heroes like spectre, void, am when u already have 4 cores.
why should I not be allowed to random if my team picks fast picks pudge void PA and a weaver? It goes both ways
Randoming has actually many uses. Since pubs generally only have 1 support you lack sentries or wards. If you random a support, then you have enough gold to buy chick wards and sentries all together.
If you random a carry you can rush midas faster, start with a PMS or SH and QB together. Or you can buy more regen.
If you random a mid hero you have enough money to start with a bottle or a null/wraith band for better last hitting.
If you random an offlane hero you can start with boots or again have more regen or PMS on heroes like BH.
It also saves you from thinking what to pick. Sometimes you just don't know what to pick and gotta hit that button.
And it also makes you more "mannered". People can't blame/flame you for randoming OP heroes like Nyx etc.
But I agree that you gotta random almost immediately or just don't do it. If you random therefore pick first, it's easy for your team to pick around your hero.
i guess you'd change the game mode because you understand that there are pricks that random in the last moment, and you don't like to play with said pricks. or you can continue to be pissed off. dota is an embodiment of the interwebz. therefore people will do things that you don't like.
Why u should be rewarded for randoming ?
Doesn't make sense to me
" if you don't want randoming as a possibility, then don't queue in all pick."
Yes I dont want randoming => thats why I chose AP not AR ,
want random ? Go AR
you don't like the fact that you can random and get more gold? that doesn't make you want to random?
Why wouldn't you get an advantage for that? That's just some fun and casual part in the game. It doesn't affect pro play either. Is there a reason not to keep it?
The gold is an incentive to random, which increases the pick rate of less-popular heroes, which increases the variability of the game. As any game designer can tell you, one of the keys to repeat play is making each game different enough that players don't feel that the experience is getting stale.
i random 90% of games, only when i want to play something in particular, like meepo, i pick.
at least i have decency enough to random asap.
im the same way. i almost always random every game as soon as game starts. i prefer to let the enemy team counter pick so I can learn to handle counter picks
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
aside from ruining everyone's game