Well, keep in mind you can't win alone, so I don't understand why people are so concerned about winrate.
When I do Tide I usually try to be passient in the laning phase and just try to leech some experience and go for an aggresive earlygame after some levels. (maxing gush first)
depends, whether you are on dual or tri lane, vs 1, 2 or 3 heroes. vs range or melee opponents.
or if you are solo tide, but I'll take it we aren't talking about that.
ultimately you want to initiate fights, rather than be the follow up. as with gush, you dish out quite a bit of dmg, you hit like a truck with that minus armor and are quite tanky to take some hits. +chances are you get to use the gush the 2nd time.
skilling is also optional but I get gush over anchor over shell.
could find you a replay to look at I played not too long ago http://dotabuff.com/matches/363871662
but you would have to browse my dota profile.
I have limited experience with tide and it's either awesome or super frustrating because he is extremely dependent on his team. Gush is super strong early though with the slow and dmg. Pair him up with any ranged carry or stun carry and you can get easy kills. Anchor smash is weak dmg early but the mana cost is pretty low. Once maxed you can use it to farm a lane or jungle for your blink and other stuff. Once you get arcane boots you will generally have enough mana to make it through a team fight.
He's sorta dependent on some early assists for gold since blink is so expensive and does nothing to help your stats/farm, so you definitely need a good start, at the very least not to die early.
You can lane him mid (you will outlane most melee midheroes, but you won't do well against most ranged), you can offlane him solo (leech exp and take a few lasthits whenever possible with Anchor Smash) or you can use him as a safelane sitter.
I recommend you level Gush (1) - Anchor (2) - Kraken Shell (3). At level 4 you may want that 'nother point in Gush if you're a support, but if you're solo you should go for max Anchor first. It deals out more damage overall and your mana pool isn't that great early on. You only want one point in Kraken Shell untill Gush and Anchor are at their max level.
Pick up Arcane Boots and eventually a Blink Dagger. And then remember that hitting two people, ensuring kills on them both when using Ravage, is better than waiting around for 4 or 5 people and not getting another good Ravage off.
Yes definitely don't be afraid to use ravage on out of position heroes who would escape otherwise. I mean if their support apparition is guarding a rune it's probably a bad use to kill secure there, but say their free farming luna is in the same position, might not be a bad idea. Also blink and gushing works pretty good for ganking without going balls out with ravage.
Refresher orb is a decent item late too.
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Well, it may not look like it, but I really like playing initiators and most of you know that I play a lot of support heroes, but my winrate with Tide, who does both, is still one of my worst. How can I improve with him? or more specifically, how do you actually lane with him?
I've noticed that a good Tide games depends a lot on him having a good lane, which I still struggle a lot with. I don't know how to play early game Tidehunter. Which skills do I level up? What items should I buy? Should I be aggresive or defensive? Concerning the latter, I prefer aggresive supports, but it really doesn't seem like he is one.
Any help appreciated :)