General Discussion

General Discussionis gyrocopter 'merican or islam?

is gyrocopter 'merican or islam? in General Discussion
Pandamonium(You Died)

    gyro did 9/11


      If he did 9/11 he would have died as he crashed himself to those buildings.
      So they are nuclearbomber in hiroshima and nagasaki on 1945

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა


        Pandamonium(You Died)

          Ancient can respawn heroes, duh
          It even stated in lore.
          So he can 9/11 420 360 all day erryday
          He probably had buddies too


            goddamit gyro i said PYRIMIDS not WORLD TRADE CENTER
            get your ears straight

            Feeder Chan

              Ummm he can be both. He can be an American who follows the Islamic faith.


                He's British obv