General Discussion

General DiscussionUpdating Team Profile

Updating Team Profile in General Discussion

    I currently have 2 team being active, is there anyway to remove the old teams i was on?

    I hope there is a way.

    Thanks DB. You guys have been great

    თემა შეიცვალა

      +1 I would like to get rid of my former teams, should enable a option here on dotabuff to enable/disable your current/former teams, would be cool!


        or just set it activity wise :) If a team didn't have a game in last two weeks, it is hidden up until its revamped with a single game after that period.


          what u mean, if i have left or disband all those team, is there a way to make all of them dissapear?



            We currently don't have the ability to manually remove teams, but they do update automatically every 1-2 weeks. Thanks for your support!


              well some of the team hasn't been active since half years ago. Could u explain why?

              Thanks for the reply Mr.Egg