General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve as faceless void?

How to improve as faceless void? in General Discussion

    I love playing faceless void, i have decent kda and a little below average farm, and i can't seem to win with him.What should i do?what im doing wrong?should i build differently?different skill build?
    Here are my faceless void games:



      Every game is different, you should be changing your build constantly to get better.

      Taking as example this game:
      Theres 2 sheepsticks on the other team, and you don't have a BKB, I'm assuming AM raped you later on.


        why so much mask of madness wtf


          just remember faceless void is more powerful with faster attack speed, not higher base damage


            - U should really buy a bf on that hero, or midas is kinda nessesary. If not, u will be so unfarmed, and loose the game early. With bf you at least have a latergame potential.
            - Secound, don't buy mask of madness EVERY game. Its kinda good on void i agree but sometimes is just making urself pain in the ass.
            - Even if u buy it you shall really know when is the right moment to use it.
            - Sometimes buy bkb.
            Other than that, there may be some teamfights that lost u the match. U have kinda good KDA, maybe its not all ur fault, or maybe it is, small mistakes like not carrying tp, may result in game lost.


              thanks for the tips.i will try some different builds


                Get a good support in your team and last hit properly.
                And you need shield to reduce harrasment from enemy, preferably poorman's shield

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Faceless void need a face lol


                    I think you are not very experienced player. you follow same build.first of all you need and atk speed more than damage. to speed up your farm you need different first big item. hand of midas, battle fury or mjolnir ( I don't know name of this item, its made from maelstrom). most ppl say Midas under 6 mins but fuck them and if you can get it under 10 min its OK. but not any later. make power treads of that glove instead. than try to get battle fury or other item around 20 mins mark. farm the jungle and get heart in u get malestorm or mask and yasha in battlefury. now you can help in team fight but u should be last going In if no heart. than depending on situation u get bkb or manta or butterfly or maybe mkb. after enough farm sell Midas if u have and get another big item.

                    I hope that helps


                      you should go for treads maelstrom and mom and just start wrecking shit around the map instead of rr'ing with battlefury. void isn't really that good end game character atm, he's good at teamfighting but since splitpushing is what's "in" right now you should aim for that mid game and early late game power while trying to keep up farm. seek teamfights on every chrono cd and try to take towers once you win those. it all depends on the game but most of the time i wouldn't try to be black^


                        do not upgrade to mjol btw. after mael and mom just go for pure damage and/or bkb if you REALLY need it. deadalus has been my favourite choice but mkb's really good as well especially if they have troll or pa


                          1. Stop building MoM


                            Havent played void, but played with or against him many times.

                            In most cases a bkb is a must have. I see too many greedy carries not getting one and losing the game afterwards. If the carry cant dish out the dmg during the teamfight, all the money invested in him by his teammates is wasted. There are stuns, slows, disarms, silences etc. that are intended to either kill you or just remove you from the fight.

                            Imo a battlefury isnt that great on void. He simply cant farm with it THAT fast in comparison to am or alchemist, and for the cost of ~4300 it gives 0 attack speed. MoM isnt perfect in most cases, since it makes you more vulnerable- if your chrono wasnt top notch, there will be people trying to kill you from outside.

                            Maelstrom is cheap, it gives a really nice aoe (the same as upgraded mjolnir), some good attack speed and dmg. You can easily farm with it in the jungle if no lanes are there for you and you can push with it quite fast as well. If you feel like it, you can upgrade it LATER ON, after finishing more important items, into a mjolnir.

                            Midas is a better farming option than battlefury. Its reliable, cheaper and increases your attack speed. But getting it too late might kill you. If enemies start roaming and you wont have wards (that might happen) you will find yourself in a position where you have only midas, which, to no surprise, doesnt improve your survivability.

                            A casual yasha is nice, btw.

                            Void is supposed to be the bashlord. He needs ias and/or agility to become one.


                              try going bf > butterfly > satanic > sny or for fun treds > midas > treds > yash > shadowblade > diffusal


                                i mean midas to treds

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  1) Never ever get both Midas and Battefury. This is fucking greedy.
                                  2) Almost always get either of them or that hero simply can't farm.
                                  3) Pick a core item after one of those farming items (something not so expensive like Crystalys Maelstrom or maybe even MoM) and get a BKB afterwards. That item is key for Void.
                                  4) Prioritize Butterfly over almost all core items. It just works so well with Void.
                                  5) If you are behind try to be with your team and land some epic Chronos to win games.

                                  I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                                    Faceless void is all about farming
                                    He needs to farm a freaking face
                                    Get a Bot,midas,bfury,radiance,maelstrom,blink.
                                    Flash farm jungle,lane,ancients

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST34 minutes ago
                                      Faceless void is all about farming
                                      He needs to farm a freaking face
                                      Get a Bot,midas,bfury,radiance,maelstrom,blink.
                                      Flash farm jungle,lane,ancient

                                      Midas and bf? only get one....



                                      Holy fuck retina cancer, Please ban yourself from giving advice to people.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        ^He is fucking kidding dude. Calm down.

                                        Woof Woof

                                          best way to improve fv is to not pick him and wait for rework or buff from ice this hero is just one trick pony