General Discussion

General DiscussionWrong region?

Wrong region? in General Discussion

    I have NO DOUBT some idiots are gonna take this the wrong way, but I have my filters set to US EAST and US WEST but seriously cannot find people who speak english. Not one game. I truly feel like it's putting me on spanish servers. Anyone else have this problem or any idea to fix this?


      Well, you have to understand, US is the best server for Mexicans since they don't have their own server; meanwhile, some South America players like to play in US because the games tend to have higher level of play. Language is not a barrier at all. Being retarded is. I don't mind playing with people who speak any language, if they communicate the important stuff. Sometimes, pings are more than enough. Remember Kuroky doesn't speak russian and plays in Na'Vi, and they speak in russian during the games, except when talking directly to him.


        Yeah, this is the part about people taking it the wrong way. Language most certainly is a barrier, and telling me a professional player can kinda get around it neither answers my question nor makes sense in relation to public games. I'm sure he's picking up plenty of russian anyways.

        The original question was are people having difficulty with not getting into their region? I can understand getting a few spanish people every now and then, but it's seriously a ratio of 10 foreign players to 1 english speaking players. I'm not exaggerating. Are the region filters just not effective then?


          The region filter is only effective to play in the server from a specific region, it won't filter ANY foreigner who decided to play in that server. The US regions just happen to be the most attractive servers for overseas people for a number of reasons...also, the US happens to house a TON of foreigners and you can't blame those for playing in the server of the country they live in :/
          You'll just have to deal with it.


            Did you set the language filter to English? I have had very few people in my games not able to use English since I set the language filter like 5 months ago. There are still plenty from SA, EU, Russia etc...but they know and use English in the game.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              This is also the main reason Kuroky constantly plays heros like Bounty Hunter and Nyx and any other roaming heavy hero.


                I have a Brazilian friend who speaks English really well, so we queue to NA E/W server all the time together. One time, he brought his cousin along who doesn't speak any English at all and he was the TYPICAL CANCER. He started the queue himself as soon as he joined party and it was set to ALL servers and ALL languages even though he only spoke Portugese. I cancelled the queue and set it to US E/W and English only. As soon as the picking phase started, I called mid because nobody else is a reliable mid but myself in pubs, but a few seconds later, the cousin picks Pudge. I tell my friend to tell him in Portugese that I called mid and that we should swap, so to tell me what hero he wants. He asks for Bara.

                Fucking Brazilians...


                  region != language

                  Dire Wolf

                    You need to filter by language as well. You will still get some who don't speak english, even some russians at weird times. But you also have very few games, you're probably still on the low end of ratings. It tends to get better language wise later. Also just learn to communicate with missing macros and pinging, then mute them if their jabbering bothers you. I don't find those who speak other languages any worse or better than english speakers, just annoying to listen to if they queue with friends and have a game long conversation. But as far as gameplay their just like every other pub match (some good some awful).


                      U english want every me and one to speak it yes?