General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 pugs?

Dota 2 pugs? in General Discussion

    Anyone know of any reliable and active pick up game sites for Dota 2? Getting mass reported for raping the other team and put in the low priority pool for the 3rd time is enough of pubs for me.

    Player 103543943

      IDK how you think you are raping the other team judging by the last games you played...


        not sure if you are joking or not.

        Ples Mercy

          Maybe in his fantasy world

          bum farto

            Your recorded rape game has 20 kills on sniper I have 42 on an accidental Shadow Fiend game who I don't even play well. I'm sorry I fail to see where you are "raping" or why this post was made.


              someone call the cops, we have a raper here

              Retard Security Detail

                Thats racist, just because some black guy raps you call police.


                  >Doesn't even have rapier
                  >Claims to be raping


                    so pathetic, I feel sad for OP

                    Ragnar Volarus

                      If you menage to get a lot of kills against somebody, they are probably not yet on level when they know how to report anyone, so probably not.



                        You can all seriously go fuck yourselves.

                        None of you know what your talking about, in the slightest. None of you even know the answer to my question.

                        You're all a bunch of pubbies, who seem to think pubs actually mean fuck all in terms of skill. They don't.

                        Clearly this forum has no moderators, as this would not be tolerated in any decent and self respecting DOTA community.

                        And for the record, I did have the rapier in my last game as sniper. Got mass reported for it.


                        King of Low Prio

                          you should be reported for that build