General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for a team member (EU)

Looking for a team member (EU) in General Discussion

    Looking for my 5th team member , we need a support player who knows a good amount about the game and knows how to support(warding , pulling , stacking and ganking) you also need to speak English and have skype , reply to this with your steam name. I cant play at the moment i have a broken wrist but we can talk and i can watch you play with other members.

    Ples Mercy

      skype......47%winrate.....just NO.

      Learn how to play the game before searching, or get a scrub and teach him howto support, end of story.


        I don't get why everyone lately wants to create or join a team when they don't even know the basics
        you won't go anywhere and no, I'm not a cunt trying to destroy your dreams, it's just the reality


          So we have a fnatic fan boy who has a 4% higher win rate and moans about mine , loads of people use skype while playing dota eg purge and in not going into competitive its a pub team dumb fuck and the second guy has five games and bought a dagon on sf XD

          Ples Mercy

            yes he bought dagon, bcause he steamrolled people like you.

            You suck brah, no need to cry us a river.

            btw: noone likes kids.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              I completely out smarted you so you came back with that sounds like a kid out smarted you

              Low Expectations

                Luke, I dont know if troll or just stoopid and btw 4% is like climbing the Everest for most people

                Ples Mercy

                  Explain how you 'out smarted' me. I wanna hear that, might be hilarious. Ah kids these days, so stupid and full of entertainment.


                    4% would be about 40 wins for me which is very possible to get to 51% and blunt i out smarted you because your dumb you don't think people use Skype to team talk? wtf and the fact you had to go to insulting kids because you where losing the argument and its a shame about fnatic not winning much lately.

                    Ples Mercy

                      'i outsmarted you because you dumb' - first i meet this retarded russian am which made my day, then you argue like a kid on washing powder. This seems to get better and better.

                      Where did i insult kids?

                      Oh kiddo, does the washing powder give you hallucinations? ohhhh poor little chap. Learn how to play the game and get some brain into your stoned arguments, otherwise youll only make my day and trust me, you dont want to do that, bcause that does involve you looking like an asshat.


                        You said nobody likes kids that is a insult and the fact you have to act like the bigger man is funny because your dumb and i know a lot about dota so please shut up


                          i think people who has more losses than their wins, should throw themselves from a bridge or something.

                          Edit: 4% is easy for you to increase. If you had any mathematic knowledge, you would understand it gets harder when you play more. Especially if someone played more than 3k games, it would be needed hundreads of wins to increase your win rate by 4%.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          Ples Mercy

                            You dont know shit. Your stats are horrible and you are a stupid kid (thats an insult btw).

                            Kiddo go do your homework first.


                              I was talking about my own situation if you could read and nice youtube channel blunt haahah shit talking players no wonder your on this page talking shit because you have nobody to play with because nobody likes you aww go cry.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                For a start how does it affect you guys if he finishes his team? Why be a total arse? Calling him a kid whilst behaving like a massively retarded school

                                Here's a pop quiz. What's the best way to learn how to team doto?

                                Answer: Get a team together and go play team doto.

                                Pathetic to be honest. He's got most of a team to play with and just needs one more. Is that a whiff of jealousy I smell from blunt? No-one wants to play with a retarded bully like you maybe?

                                Good luck man, just ignore the dickheads, replying feeds their pathetic need for attention.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  and tractor your win to loss isnt great so please shut up , its just under 51% good job.


                                    Thanks they are idiots , looking at blunts profile the most times he has played with a guy is 10 times this month aww he doesnt have any friends so tries picking on people.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    waku waku



                                        Whats funny the idiotic dicks or the whole thing?


                                          <50% with skype + stacking is way to low... i dont really think any good support would want to join you with these stats...

                                          alch kda: 2.07
                                          am kda: 1.60
                                          (didnt check more)

                                          even i got more with my support heroes (without stacking)


                                            Dude shut up , whats wrong with skype? and am is my worst hard carry and i already found a guy and is it hard to steal kills with cm and rubick?

                                            Belly Button Fluff

                                              I'm part of his team.


                                                stealing with cm/rubick? Ahahaha yeah... check something before you talk

                                                no luck with searching a good support if you already flame random supports



                                                  That made no sense so ill stop talking to you and i found a nice guy and can support id rather have a nice guy than a dick like you...

                                                  bum farto

                                                    KDA for supports can sometimes be high because it is just that, Kills/Deaths/Assists. You can have a relatively high KDA due to low deaths or high assists it doesn't have to be from snagging kills.

                                                    Consistently through I3lackmagics' games you see a very dedicated, and skilled support with no leaning towards kill stealing or team ignorance (e.g. Dagon, Shadowblade etc.). Also of notable worth he plays a support in Very High permanently, whereas your group sit in Normal primarily.

                                                    It looks like you found one more so hopefully this should complete your stack and put this forum chain to sleep but should you need another man I will come play with your lot if needed. Best of luck with your team.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                    Cpt. Snow

                                                      Accept the steam invite and we can discuss something.


                                                        i play only hard carry, right click heroes


                                                          BTW if your win rate is between 40-60% no need to worry... and just because you think he is bad at dota Blunt doesn't mean he is bad...

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            So people have to worry when their winrate is above 60% and under 40%? What the hell are you talking about kiddo.

                                                            Why dont you just get of the internet so mommy can use the PC?

                                                            and yes, he is bad, it doesnt matter what you say.


                                                              Blunt please get a life and stop being a fool get some friends and play dota "kiddo".

                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                kiddo, dont be mad. So far you suck and theres nothing you can do about it.


                                                                  if you are under 50% you are bad end of story :P


                                                                    Blunt do you have a life any friends it doesnt seem so and yey another dick ooo you have almost 52 way higher than 50


                                                                      still higher ;)

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        the kiddo is mad because hes about to realize that he is a shitty player.


                                                                          Aww blunt its cute that you have nothing else to do and no friends that you comment in this aww want me to be your friend?

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            No, if i had a friend on your age people would think im a pedofile, but thx for your offer bro!


                                                                              The way you spell makes you appeal to be 8? you dont seem very old and all right good luck finding some friends to plat dota with

                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                Awww, now thats cute. Writes like arnold on drugs and wants to tell other people they write like kids, now your rly adorable.


                                                                                  rly? and please blunt stop don't you need to be making some friends?


                                                                                    this thread gave me cancer, ty guys.


                                                                                      ^your not funny please shut up

                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                        i think hes hilarious


                                                                                          Is he in the crew of being not funny along side with you?

                                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                                            nope, you cant join though, 2 hardcore for u.


                                                                                              Ahhh okay i wanted to join damn :(


                                                                                                i dont understand why this blunt clown bashes on everyone


                                                                                                  neither do i

                                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                                    bcause i dont like shitheads like you, that simple.


                                                                                                      Shitheads i am a nice person unlike you

                                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                                        yeah right, and im the king of england