General Discussion

General DiscussionYesterdays team match

Yesterdays team match in General Discussion

    He got so mad and then turned around and said nobody was mad.

    つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 你只活一

      your team was lucky that there teams carry turned out to be a noob.
      he had gone for disabling items more than the damage items.
      and above all that if your teams am has farm then its all cool.
      the main reason for ure win was wrong item choices by da opponent team.
      conc more on dewardin nd wardin which u hav failed badly.
      i wont say ure hero picks were good or bad. but rubick was a good pick for dis game nd u did well by stayin alive in ganks.
      u still needed more escape mechanism for savin ure supports. a forcestaff would hav been a good option not onli for savin u but also lion who was food for da opposition.

      finally ill jst say that the team u played against was a noob team.
      dont get your hopes high after this win cause dere will be better teams out dere to shut down ure main carry.
      overall gameplay - average


        Thanks for the reply.

        We are pretty realistic as a group and we are aware of our possibilities, in general it gets pretty hard to play without synergy.
        That's what we lack at the moment, i usually like to play much more aggressive at start but sometimes that is not possible.

        Warding overall has to be improved that is correct, i had some bad choices there
        We lacked team coordination i believe as-well as some good ganks.

        That is why i value this inputs in general from the community, as i mentions before, the replay function is awesome, it really helps you to improve especially if seen from a different player perspective like someone who wasn't in the game at the time.

        As usual, any additional info is always welcome, i don't want to spam the forums too much with my replays but if i find some other one that i think might help me, ill do it

        I appreciate the help guys