General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet ok now?

Armlet ok now? in General Discussion

    Loda and Xboct died to armlet toggling last week ===> results?

    Safe Base

      In a previous patch they stated using external tools can cause one's account to be suspended. If they just disable scripting in game and have a simple external macro detection system the problem would be solved instead of changing the armlet.

      I saw Loda complain in all chat about the armlet, and generally I see a lot of people dying "unusually" while toggling.

      On a side note it seems disassemble has been fixed for meepo/ogre and LD midas.

      Just tested as I wrote this.
      LD midas bug fixed. You still can't toggle armlet manually as quickly as before, but it does seem slightly better.


        Even that small toggle change has made a huge difference to Armlet users. From what was basically constant death when toggling to almost back to normal seems good enough to me.

        I think the issue was more that some people have had 1-2 years playing DotA2 with Armlet being consistently the same, then they change some mechanic and everyone had to relearn timings and how to use this particular item which to me kind of spoils the point of investing time into getting good with a aspects of the game if they are going to change them down the line.


          People with scripts/macros can still maximaze its effect while skilled players are left hurt because they are only human, bad change if you ask me would be better if they had just fixed their VAC to pick up stuff like this

          Quick maffs

            ^I totally agree.


              i dont get what changed exactly, just tried armlet vs bots its still the same?


                they putted a cooldown (0.07 sec ?) so if you fast press twice, to toggle off toggle on, most of the time, you'll be too fast for that cooldown, and thus armlet stay off and you die like a shit.
                If they had done 0.01 or 0.02 cd, even the fastest of us that doesn't cheat the game by adding a second button, or by using script, wouldn't trigger on before the cooldown, and it would just harmed script user


                  you know, scripts can have timers inside too?

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