Yup, that's like the norm in IHLs. Unfortunate for those who don't have admin friends and happen to start out with a series of losses but you have to weed out the bads in some way.
Does it require a continual supply of bad players to be blamed for the loss and unvouched? If it did not get that feeding the lower half of the players would be going below 1k and staying there no matter how pro. Last week Universe and ixmike88 were below 1k as well...although they recovered.
I mean if they really need people who are not quite good enough to play in NEL games maybe I could go and lose few games there too. I can lose to pro players 70% of games or so....would still be fun.
A lot of people get vouched through friends and those people may or may not be up to snuff. Generally you don't get unvouched after just one game but you might be warned/censured and after you have enough of these you will be removed. I know in IXDL-I (EU) there were some people with very low rating (~750-800) who could still play since enough people wanted them to remain in the league. I guess it would be the same for NEL.
The requirements for getting into NEL are quite strict unless you have people who can vouch for you.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
I checked on the NAdota Elite League scores and it seems that many players are accumulating a large amount of points from players who must be getting unvouched and leaving the pool.
There are currently 300 players, 39 below 1k points and 168 above 1k points. The number of extra points is so high that the average score is now up to 1054. Its about 400 player-games worth of losses missing from the scores...or enough for 100 players to have 4 losses and then be unvouched at a score of something like 840. The current lowest score is 958...basically one loss below 50% win.
So do they really just unvouch anyone who loses? Does anyone know? This sort of thing leads to the players who play more having a big advantage over similar skilled players who play fewer games. I guess this means if you want to make the end of season tournament you have to play a lot.
Or maybe they are just not showing anyone who is losing since they have no chance to make the tournament anyway?