I think you are missing something there
50% of those are traders and scammers trying to make some profits
25% of them are casuals
25% are actually trying to play some good game. Which can't have any, unfortunately
well, its simple rly.
Free, gud graphics, broken mm, bugs, no rating, nice gameplay, overral gud game
Free, eyebleedgraphics, decent mm, few bugs, rating, shitplay, balance issues, overral gud game
So ill take #1
1/4 = bot traders
1/4 = the only decent player userbase who's still dealing with valve (like me)
2/4 = your average trashcan player
you call yourself a decent player? you are a dodging smurf who abuses wisp,ursa and np. I am proud to be in half of "trashcan players", and so should you "chimney".
Chimney rejected team invites from Empire DK Orange. Even Alliance is not good enough for his skill.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
despite shit mm, bugs, lack of visible rating or any legit way of measuring in game progress
WHAT THE FUCK is going on here? is there any way to check legitimacy of those numbers?