LOL i knew you re playing in US servers when I've read your topic title :)))
I can probably average 50 there per game :))
Come play in the big leagues son, SEA Servers.
They didn't disconnect right away. A lot of that ~500 kills game is them trying to live in the fountain and not being able to do it.
Wr stayed alive better, but could not escape the fountain. Slark got out with some leaps and then farmed around the map until he could kill our supports.
30 kills witch doc in 30 min game with no leavers! EU WEST!
just too good for them but hey i am still in 40% win rate i love valve .....
by the way matching is shit!
fyi, 500 kill game is Very High on EUwest....definitely from fountain farming...but not leavers. Wisp+Ursa is just that OP and they played it very well.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
I had 50 kills in a match and I've been comparing with friends, so what about ya'all ?...